Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

389. 6 Steps To An Extra $1000!!


On this episode, Nellie gets passionate about being open-minded and making money EASIER for moms! 

So if you're ready and want to dive into some of the steps to making an extra $1000, listen here!!
She will touch on:

  • The importance of making money easily and effortlessly for moms, who often face challenges such as childcare costs and feeling trapped in a day job.
  • Creating a $1,000 income stream through marketing and sales.
  • Overcoming indecision to make extra money.
  • 6 Steps to making an extra $1000
  • Overcoming fear of rejection to help others and make money. 

Shout out to Kristen Rourke for sponsoring today’s episode! If you want to eliminate your mama pooch once and for all Kristen is your girl. Comment POOCH BE GONE and she will send you her free EBOOK 


This is mom life at its finest. I am parked in the grocery parking lot just to have a moment of sanity. And I really did want to record this episode, because I think this is going to bless so many people's lives, I truly want more money in the hands of amazing women. And mamas need easy ways to make money, which is why I'm so passionate about the wealthy mama movement and what we're doing and how we're doing it because moms don't have 40 typically 4840 hours a week to, to do work to make money. And the like the childcare costs alone are insane. And so, so many moms are out there feeling trapped in a day job, and then to pay for daycare. And that may not be what they want, or they're home and they think that they can't make money. And so I just no matter what type of mama you're you are and where you're at, you may already have your own business, but you're in the cycle of having one on one clients, and it's exhausting. It's draining all of the things like no matter where you're at, can we all agree that an extra easy $1,000 into your bank account right now would not give you like, a like some breathing room? It wouldn't. Like it wouldn't feel like can we all agree that it would feel amazing to have that and it to be like easy, and there's not like all of this work or all of these expectations, like the moment that you actually open up your pot, like your mind to like that being a possibility and stop pushing it away, we can we can make this happen. So like, that's the first thing like, if you're gonna watch this episode, if you're gonna listen to this episode, like, I cannot convince you that this is possible. You may have hesitations. But be frickin open minded. And take some action and prove to yourself like shock yourself, surprise yourself, that it can be easier. When we make money the hard way, you can make money the easier way. And so many women, especially moms are working so freaking hard. And the most mind blowing part about all of this is that most people are already doing affiliate marketing or doing passive income, but they're not getting paid for it, meaning you are recommending all things to everyone in your world, but you're not making money from it. And so we're going to change that up. And we're gonna make this so simple for you that you can make money anywhere you can make any amount of money that you desire. And we've got to get your brain on board and how we do that, or these very, very simple steps that I have got here for you. Okay, so I've six super laser fast steps. But the mindset and you being open minded is like literally the prerequisite because I can give you these I can, I can literally give you evidence after evidence of this is possible. But if you're not willing to even do the six steps, because you're so closed minded, you're already like, you already told yourself that you can't do it before you do it, then it's not going to work. And then you're gonna be like, see, Nellie, I told you and it's like, Did you do the steps? Like did you do the steps, because when you do the steps, I'm gonna teach you when you do these steps, you're gonna get there, you're gonna get there. And so you being open minded is key. So I want you to comment, open minded if you can, if you're listening, I want you to literally just say like, I'm open minded, like, I'm open to the possibility of an extra$1,000 coming my way that already will get you on the frequency that it's possible. It'll get you closer. Okay, so I need you to feel into that I need you to speak it out loud. I need you to even write it down. I'm open to the possibility of making an extra easy $1,000. Now easy, is not confused with like, there's no effort involved. Okay, there is effort involved. But easy means like, easier than you working 100 hours, right? You being away from your kids, you're not doing something that you love. That's what we mean by easy systems easier, right? Doing it and you're not having to be somewhere at a certain time easier. Okay? So be open to the possibility so I'm gonna go through these really, really fast, okay? If you have questions, let me know. But you are overcomplicating making money. I'm just gonna say I'm just gonna get it out of the room, the elephant in the room, you are overcomplicating this, and in some way you're either overcomplicating it in your mind, you're building so many things and we're not marketing or you're marketing so much and we're not doing the backend stuff like you are somewhere you are overcomplicating this process, there is an infinite amount of money out there for those that desire it and typically, we're the ones getting in our own damn way. And we've got to stop we Gotta stop getting in our own way, have the life that we desire. And there's a lot of layers there. Don't get me wrong, but you just even be like, I'm, I'm so done getting in my own way, will also help. Like it's, it's the step in the right direction. So number one, okay, grab your notebook account, let's get ready to go classes in session. Okay, number one is we're going to decide that you want to do this. Like no joke. Like last night, I signed up for a full marathon. I decided before that night, but like last night made it real. There is a date that it is happening. I've already put my money down, things are getting serious, okay? So decide that you want to make an extra$1,000. And it'd be easier, then we're going to declare by when ideally, would you like to have that have this happen? Is it in one week? Is it this month? Is it in the next 90 days, you decide the buy win, but do put a buy win down on your calendar, I would recommend not making it further than 90 days. You can make $1,000 In less than 90 days. You can do it. Honestly, in a couple of weeks, if you're really determined, but I will take anything between one week, even one day one day and 90 days. Okay, so no, nothing past that because we're gonna stall. We're gonna stall. We're gonna stall. It's just who we are Parkinson's Law. Okay, number two. Okay, I'm gonna have to start driving here in a second. I've got a grumpy, grumpy baby. Number two, decide what, what are we going to sell? Okay, what are we going to sell. And before I tell you what that means, I want to give a shout out to Kristin Roark. She is one of our amazing students and clients. And she is helping moms eliminate the mom pooch once and for all. She's got some free resources for you. So comment mom pooch. And she can help you. If you're listening to this on our podcast, all of the information will be right there in the show notes for you. So Kristin, I love you. You're amazing. You're helping so many women and I'm so proud of yeah, we're so proud of you. Okay, so decide on the what this is where people get tripped up. They're like, I don't know what to sell. I don't know what to do my mom and my mom. Something that leads coming out. Dude, can we just get off the hamster wheel of being indecisive, right? Like be indecisive with your dinner, but not your money. Okay, you can do a couple different things. If you're not feeling indecisive and you are feeling really passionate about something, then run with that, I would recommend a product a digital product, either yours or somebody else's, that is going to make you $50 to$100 per sale. And the reason why is that we only need 10 to 20 People tend to 20 sales to get to this goal. Okay, I like that anything under $100 is typically pretty easy for people to get to a yes. So that is my recommendation. You can decide what you do. But stop being in stall mode with like, I don't know what to build. I don't know what to do. This is hard. Dude, come on, like, can we just let go of the the complaining and just like fucking let's go, let's figure it out. I have products. So there's no excuse, you can literally reach out to me and say, Nellie, what could I promote for you that I could make 50 to $100 per sale, okay. You know, people in your network that wants to make money, you know, people in your network that want to get healthy, you know, people in your network that want to become a better mom that want to learn how to cook. Like, no matter what we focus on. From a product standpoint, you can partner with an affiliate, right? There's so many affiliate programs out there, but we are not going to do something that's going to cost you up front money, because that doesn't make sense for this. Okay? So please, like, get out of the complaining mode, get out of the stalling mode, get out of the excuse mode and get into action mode. Because being in that mode is not going like that, like the complaining and excuses like, like, raise your standards like there, it's not going to help you make more money. So we're just stalling and stalling and stalling. Okay, so pick something and when in doubt, message Nellie, I've got you even if it's not my product, I can point you in the right direction. Okay, number three is you're going to make a list of who, who could be those 10 people who could be those 20 people, you don't need a lot of people, you know people, you know people, okay, and then from there, we're gonna reach out to them. We're gonna reach out to them. All right, so we're gonna reach out to them. And what I want you to do, okay, is I want you to simply say something so easy. Something along the lines of, hey, I know that you've been wanting to do X, right? Like it'll depend on what it is. We're you're going to come with me for just a second. Okay. I know that you've been wanting to do XYZ because this will this part will depend on like what you promote Get what you sell. But like, relate it to the person reach out to the person, just as if they were your BFF. Okay, just as if they were your BFF. Okay, we're not happy. Why are we not happy? Can you give a high? Can you give a high? Do we need a PASI? So depending on what you promote what you sell, okay, for this challenge, it will depend on how you reach out to them. But do short and sweet. It can be a voice, no, it can be a video, it can be a quick type message. But as you can see, people are very overwhelmed. But what I teach my students is make it personal. Okay, make it simple. It's okay. I lost a passing this is like a, this is like a mom emergency. Where do you go, here's your PASI. Here's your past. There you go. Okay, we're gonna start driving, hey, we're gonna go get to see we're gonna start driving, okay. It's never a dull moment over here. Alright, so with that being said, you're going to reach out to people. This is we I'm not even going to have you promote on social media. Because there's too many like, I don't know what to say on social media, or I'm afraid of judgment. So we're not going to even worry about that. In this challenge, we're just going to simply reach out to people, okay, you don't have to know people super well to know if they could benefit from something either. Like, you just need to know a little bit. Like, if a mom is super stressed out, and you have a solution for her. Reach out to her right. Like I say, we always do the first reach out very personal, very light, right? Like, we're not going to word vomit on anyone, whether we know them very well or not like we're, we're not about word vomiting, but we're just going to open the door, open the conversation, okay? And you're gonna be a friend, okay? Either you're gonna be a friend that you know, like, really, like, they know you really well, or a new friend. Okay. But sharing is caring. Right? And so I always appreciate when people share things with me whether I know them very well, or I know them a little bit. And so we're going to open the door, and we're gonna say, Hey, I thought of you. Okay. And I really think that this thing, fill in the blank would support you. And then this is the most important thing, make sure you write this down. Okay. You ready? Make sure you write it down. You're going to ask a question. Would you like me to send you more information? Would you like to hear more about it? Okay. We actually do not teach you to do cold outreach. This is not a cold outreach. This is opening a door. Cold outreaches are where your word vomiting on them, and you give them everything and you assume that they want it when they don't. Okay, so this is opening up the door. This is consent based selling, because you are serving, you're saying I genuinely thought of you. Okay, no BS. I genuinely thought of you. I think this thing would benefit you. Would you like to hear more? Would you like me to send you over some information? Would you like to talk about it? Okay. Always end with a question. I'm giving you the best of the best today. Like, always end with a question. Keep it short and sweet. And always end with a question. Questions, help the conversation naturally keep moving forward. It helps you avoid somebody just like ignoring the message and let like doing the little heart thing that they do. So this will really really help keep the conversation going. And most people are nosy, in the best way possible. They're gonna be like, Yeah, send me the information. Again, that's a light. Next step, we want to take baby steps with people, if you just word vomited on them, gave them the sales page, like, Yeah, you get a quick like, check, check the box that you reached out to that person. But from a sales psychology standpoint, it just doesn't work. People are already turned off, they didn't even know that they were agreeing for you to word vomit on them because you just chose to word vomit on them. And again, this like this goes for anyone in your world doesn't have to be somebody that you know, you know, really well. Or not like it goes for everyone like consent based selling is it feels incredible. And it works so much better. So much better. Okay. So after you reach out to a handful of people, I want you to then to follow up, okay, following up does not have to be icky. It does not have to be slimy. Okay, following up for each contact will look different. If they responded back and they wanted the information, then you would you would follow back up and say do you have any more questions? Do you see how I asked another question? So in the follow up, typically, there's another question. So do you have more questions? Are you interested? Right So we really want to follow back up. Now let's say for example, someone didn't respond back when you asked that first initial question, you can simply reach back out to them and say something fun and light. Don't be weird. And be like, I'm bumping this to the beginning of the message, or did you get my last message? Just say, Hey, I have a freebie. Okay, so we're gonna go into serving mode around this topic. Do you want it? Okay, so we're not sure where they're at. So we're gonna go, we're gonna go back into serving mode to see if that gets the conversation going. Okay? They may just have been genuinely so busy. And they're like, oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry. I missed your message. Like, yes, send me the freebie. And now we're now the conversation is, is bumping, right? And the best way possible. So we're going to follow up, we're going to follow up, we're going to follow up, please don't get an analysis paralysis about following up. Please don't worry about saying the wrong thing. I know. Like you're getting, you're getting sassy Nellie today. But it's sometimes it's just an excuse. Like, I have never had a script that I am following. I have just naturally said to myself, let me be a human, I'll typically do a voice note or a video, or I'll just simply ask myself, like, what would feel good if I were them, like, and that's how I follow up, I have been able to really build such a beautiful sustaining business. Because of following up. There's other pieces and parts, but like, I'm really good at following up, like, really good at it. And not just for the sale. Like, I'm really good at following up with my team, following up with my clients, following up with our students following up on my task. Like, I'm actually genuinely really proud of myself. But it's a skill that I had to develop, like, I didn't, I didn't come out of the womb like oh my gosh, I'm so good at following up. I know exactly what to say like, just give your self freaking permission to have fun with this be messy. Enjoy the learning, enjoy the process, enjoy the connecting, like, I'm very detached from who buys from me, who, who responds back to me, like, I'm just like, in such a chill energy that works so well. And you're not this stress ball freaking out every single minute. Like, you know, when things are new, they're gonna feel a little wobbly, but like, your mind only knows what you tell it. So if you're like, Okay, I'm having so much fun, like, I'm gonna learn, I'm gonna grow, I you know, you're gonna get better at anything that you set your mind to. So like, just allow yourself to be a beginner, if you're a beginner, if you're freaking out about what to say to somebody, just ask yourself, what would I want to hear, because you're a buyer. Most people spend money every single day. It is very rare that somebody does not spend money every single day. So what gets you excited to buy? What gets you excited when people reach out to you, right? So this is key, because then you're gonna use all of that data now on the other side of the conversation, and you're gonna be so empowered. And we can't get to the $1,000 goal, if we're not willing to get messy if we're not willing to take action, if we're not willing to move forward and learn and grow. Like, you cannot mess this up. You cannot mess this up. If somebody is nasty to you about wanting to help them, then that's on them. It's not on you. And you got to let that shit go and move on. Because guess what, at the end of your life, it's not gonna matter who judged you, like hated you made fun of you. And I know it's easier said than done, especially if you have rejection sensitivity. But this has been a game changer for me. Because at the end of my life, I want to know, I did the very best to take care of myself, take care of my family, go after my goals and dreams, you know, make tons and tons of memories and also make tons of impact. I want to be able to think about all the impact and the legacy that I was courageous enough to help create. And it doesn't come from sitting on the sidelines. It doesn't come from excuses. It doesn't come from stalling and delaying. It comes from courage. It comes from action. It comes from being willing to be a beginner or make mistakes because mistakes mean that you're learning that you're growing that you're you're really wanting to move forward and make shit happen. Like make shit happen. So typically don't drive when I do my videos. I, if, if I do, I'm like, being safe, okay? Don't come for me, I'm being safe. Don't look at it. But now I'm in the car pickup line. So when I look at you, don't freak out. I am now in the car pickup line. So anyways, so we're gonna follow up, we're gonna follow up, we're gonna follow up, let's do some, like, role playing here. And in the sense of, like, let's say you reach out to, let's say, you reached out to 40 people, I guarantee you, you know, 40 people, you'd be surprised how many people you know, even just lightly if you go through your contacts and your phone, your friends, your followers, your email list, like you know more people than you give yourself credit to get credit with. Even if it's been a wild since you've reached out to them, even if you've never reached out to them. So you're connected, you may not know them well, but you're at least connected to more people than you may think. Okay. Which means that there's people that you can help. And that's really how I love to look at my business is there's nothing wrong with wanting to make money and help people, ie doctors, nurses, attorneys, teachers, some of the best professions that are more traditional, make money, and they're helping people. So let it go, like Elsa, let it go, that it's a bad thing for you to want to help people and make money. Because when you can make more money, you can help more people. I know mind blown. Like, what, what? So crazy, okay, so start to get more and more comfortable with it's safe. It's okay for you to make money, and help people and when you're falling, okay, until we reach our goal. And here's the most beautiful part about all of this, your learning, which is priceless. Like you're learning, you're making conversation, you're creating conversations with people, you're listening, you're interacting, like there's no losing here, there's only so much to gain, and so many different ways like you are practicing high income skills like this is the real deal. The more you practice high income skills, you can create high income. Right? Isn't that crazy? The more you practice, high income skills, the more high income you can create. So guess what, you'll do this and then maybe you do it again. And it's$2,000 Then we start to market on social media. And then like things are happening more than we automate right then, then we're creating more products. So we need to start we need to start get off the sidelines. If you are not loving your financial life right now. Like you don't have the time that you want. You don't have the money that you desire, like or you desire more time more money, like no matter how you feel like you like, if you do not love the the time that you have and the money that you have, we got to do something about it. Like we've got to do something about it. Okay. And I'm just getting so passionate. I love you so much. And I want so much for you. And sometimes we need a little sassiness to be like, Dude, you're right, like we get in such our own heads and then we're stalling and delaying and it's tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. No, it's today. You can start this process right now. Do step number one today than tomorrow. Do this. Step number two, there's six steps here. You could do this in one week, one week, less than one week. Okay, let it be messy. Keep moving forward. Enjoy yourself. Let this happen by making it happen. And I am the furthest thing from being perfect. And I embrace that I talk about it. I live it I am it like you do not have to be perfect. You do not have to have a ton of time. You don't need to know it all or be at all like just move like make a move today that like number step number one is a safe, easy first dip your toe in start here. I want you to DM me that you have decided to do this. And I want you to tell me your by when that's like extra credit. So I want you to DM me. Alright, now Lee, I've decided okay, you can DM me on Facebook, Instagram, wherever you hang out. Okay. But to get me that you decided to do this. And tell me your by when and then tomorrow, you'll decide on the what and again if you need any help on the what if you're not in a capacity to build something you don't have something built, go find something else and I'm happy to help you don't spend months and months building something that it's an it's a stalling mechanism. If it takes you months to build something like we're working on a big project that will launch in October, but it's not my main focus. It's happening in the background. We're building something really big, really epic, and it's gonna take time but there's not. We're doing other things and we've built in other reoccurring revenue stream. So there is a time and a place to build something. But for your, for your first $1,000, we should be able to make this happen so quickly. And it can be easier to promote someone else's stuff because you're getting a kickback. But it's not your stuff. So you don't have to worry about their fulfillment, you don't have to worry about the building like it can be easier one from a effort standpoint, and two, it's like, being a hype person for somebody, my only, like, thing that I would recommend is I always want to make sure I believe in the thing or the person or both like, I don't want to just do something for money, like it's just a big value of mine. So when you do pick something, make sure that it's something that you love. And I would recommend that that commission is between 50 to $100 per sale, that is a sweet spot, it's very easy to be able to make those sales, like you like you can find 10 to 20 people, in a couple of weeks, you can find 10 to 20 people to serve and support within 20 weeks, or 20 weeks. And two weeks, so 10 to 20 people in two weeks is so doable, because like you could go through all of these steps within one week, see where you're at, and then rinse and repeat three through five. Okay, so I'm gonna go through these really fast, and then I'm gonna go fully in demand mode. So number one, decide and declare the buy win of the $1,000. To decide on what we're going to sell, again, 50 to $100 per sale is ideal. Number three is we're going to make a list of who could benefit from that thing. Okay, and number four is we're going to reach out to them personally, text, email, DMS, but this is personal reach out one by one by one. And we're going to, we're gonna keep it short and sweet. And we're going to ask a question, do they want to know more? Okay, would you want them to send the info? Okay. Then we're going to follow up and follow up and follow up. And we're going to have fun with this. We're going to make it light and simple. We're going to ask another question, depending on each conversation, but fun, light and easy. Nothing yucky, like bumping this to the top? Or did you get my message that doesn't make people feel good. Okay. And then number six is we're going to rent rent and repeat three through five until we have hit our first goal. And the fun part about this is this will build massive confidence with yourself massive belief with yourself, can you imagine if you pulled out $1,000 and $1 bills, like and you just laid it on the kitchen table and showed your significant other or your kids like, we don't need millions of dollars to feel wealthy, like this alone will make you feel wealthy, having an extra $1,000 That you didn't necessarily need, but you wanted it or you didn't have it before and you created it. It's a whole vibe that you've got to decide that you want to go after. And the worst case scenario is you learn high income skills that will keep rinsing and repeating and keep keep rinsing and repeating over and over and over again. Like you're just not gonna stop, you're gonna keep doing this and not even worry about social media marketing. We're gonna keep building authentic relationships and doing this process. And eventually you're going to hit the $1,000 Eventually you will, the longer you stay committed. Okay, and so that's the biggest thing that is so so important is to not give up if it doesn't happen in two weeks. Don't beat yourself up. Move, Try again. Try again and try again. It is the name of the game. Okay, so I love you. I can't wait to hear your DM that you have decided to do this and know that what you're buying when is I can't wait. Okay, I love