Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

391. PROGRESS With Passive Income is the Priority!!!


On this episode, Nellie chats about how passion and progress are key to overcoming delays in achieving financial goals.

We will touch on:

  • Managing financial stress while building a passion-driven business.
  • Prioritizing energy and productivity for moms. 
  • Entrepreneurship, habits, routines, and sponsorships. 

This episode is sponsored by the one and only Kristen Rourke! Kristen can help you melt your mom pooch once and for all. She has effective strategies that can be done in small pockets of your busy life. Comment MELT for her free guide. And give her a follow! 


I want to remind you that there's going to be a delay, like, there's going to be a waiting period. And when you can be okay with that when you can be comfortable with a waiting period, and you building your passive income, and you're getting rewarded for it, right like that instant gratification, from a financial standpoint, at the level that you're most likely desiring is most likely not going to be instant. It's just as much as when a football player deeply desires to go to the Super Bowl, that doesn't instantly happen. There's so many things leading up to that, that that have to happen, they get to happen in order for a football player, to get to the ultimate dream, right of, of playing in the Super Bowl, or even a musician, getting a Grammy, like I saw a post the other day that shared Miley Cyrus finally got her first Grammy and she's been at this for since she was a child, right, like, and she finally got her first Grammy, like, that's a big deal. And there was there was a long period of time. And this is why I talk about you being passionate about what you're doing, who you're helping in your passive income business, because when it's just you chasing the money, then you are going to be antsy and impatient when it comes to the delay of the money that you desire. Because you're chasing the money, when you're chasing the passion, when you're chasing the progress, when you're chasing you becoming the best version of yourself, right? Like when when you're really chasing a dream that you're passionate about that yes, absolutely happens to make money and make more and more money long term, then it's icing on the cake, because that will happen. And when you're so passionate, you're like, so sure about it. Like when I really think back to like my first 10 years of my career, I was very young. And so I didn't have a lot of the programming that I had to undo in the middle part of my career. And so when I like really think about the beginning part of my, my journey, I was just so passionate, and I was just so sure that it was gonna happen. And I couldn't control the timeline, right. But I was so sure that I could do it. And I didn't stop working for it. And I created something that a lot of people can't say that they've ever done or will do. And that's like, huge, right? Like, that's my Super Bowl. Like the things that I've been able to do. We're working on our new and improved website. And I really want a page that literally goes through my whole journey with like visual aids, because there's just so much that people don't know. And, you know, I never want to like feel like I'm, you know, I never want to feel like it's all about me. But what I do want is for you to understand how long I've been in this, and what I've created, because I think that is important for your journey. So it's like to benefit you. And so it's just so interesting, because I've been really reflecting on that. And it's like, man, yeah, get back to that passion, make passion, the priority, make progress the priority, and you're no longer chasing money. And then the money comes, it's such an interesting duality, and the vibe is so different. And what I even said to myself tonight is like, I have some really big, audacious dreams for this next version of the wealthy mama movement, and I am, I am chasing the passion. And it's interesting because I have like a little doodle board over here. And there's no financial number, though, like I'm not chasing the money. I don't even know if I could fathom how much this vision is going to even produce. What I do know is that the more money that comes in, the more I'm able to put out into the world for other women like I'm really creating a mission driven company. And it feels incredible. And when something feels incredible, before the millions of dollars show up, then you're not you're not stressed about it well Like, I always will figure out ways to make money. Like, I'm not concerned about that. And I think that that's just so important. And so as you're chasing your passion, if you do in there, there will be a lag period, like, I'll just be real with you like, and I don't know, everyone's lag period is different, some have a, a, an eight month lag, period, and then it's like, boom, everything's clicking everything, their tipping point happens, they're making, like more money than they could even fathom. And some people take their slower burn and, and they take a while, like, even one of my favorite celebrities, Bethany Frankel, she always talks about how she was a late bloomer, and you know, it's never too late. And so like, everyone's timing is different, I do believe we have a lot of power when it comes to shortening the lag time, which I'm going to talk about here in a second. And so we do have a lot of power. So it's not like, just sit back, I'm passionate, right, I'm just gonna let it happen. No, like, I'm, I'm movin and groovin. And like, I'm thinking of ideas, I'm constantly researching, like, I'm doing my part, more and more and more, and that is the name of the game. So I'm chasing my passion, and I'm making progress. And when we can focus on those things, the profits will come and they'll come more and more and more and more and more. And when you're just not that concerned about it, it just comes even more, right. And it's, it is a tricky thing. And I do want to acknowledge, like you, you have bills, and I have bills, right? So find creative ways. For your unique situation, if you need to write if you need to go get a part time job, if you need to take on a couple clients, or you know, virtual assisting, or, you know, dog walking or selling stuff online, or whatever you need to do to take care of your family, while you build your dream will actually help you regulate your nervous system as well, right? Because if you're just so stressed, and you're like, oh my gosh, I need to make this money right now. It's just going to be exhausting, right. And so some people may argue, well, then, why take the time to build passive income now, like, I should just wait until I'm not living paycheck to paycheck, or I should just wait until I have more money or time. And that is it, every situation is different, you have to want to build passive income. And the reason why I believe it's important to implement no matter where you're at on your financial journey, is because since it does take time, the sooner you start, the sooner it can work, right. And even just an hour a day, or an hour a week can be like over time, when you do that consistently, can be life changing long term. So the if we start now, or if we start a year from now, or if you start 10 years from now, like there's still going to be a lag time, right? So it's like, there's no better time than right now. And you can adjust and, and use the time that you do have. And I was even telling our passive income school students today, we don't give ourselves enough credit, we have more time in a day and and in a week, then we're giving ourselves credit for because there is a lot of time that we are using for things that aren't serving our wealthiest self. And there's always a time and a place to unwind and relax. And also, let's also prioritize your future self like really thinking about that is key. And so I wanted to share specifically some of the things that I'm doing because I've experienced multiple lag times. And the more I've just gotten chill with them and not stressed out and like, you know, a wedgie up my butt. Right. Like when I've just like mellowed out and be like, alright, like there's gonna be a lag time. I'm okay with that. I can't control the timeline. So I'll just continue to do my part. And we're just going to find out together what happens like I love the shows like I love the shows that surprise you or you're like oh, I didn't see that coming or like it the plot twist like I love the more like thriller suspense full shows like not scary, like it may have like thrill but it's not like gory and scary or anything like that, but It's a show that can really like captivate my attention is really huge for me. And so I really feel that way. Also, with like, what's happening right now I'm like, let's find out together what happens, like, I'm just going to do my part. And I even feel chill about that, like, I'm not like pushing myself or exhausting myself like, some days I have balls of energy. And some days, I'm like, Oh, I've got a little bit of energy, right, as long as we're making progress every single day or every single week, that's, that's all that we need to do. Right? Like you stressing about, about the lag time, right? Doesn't help or you stressing about money doesn't help you make more money, right? And so it's not serving you, and it's wasting more time. And so, I really want you to like, understand this and choose again, because it can be huge for your, your current self, and your future self. So, first and foremost, I am prioritizing more and more every single day me like, and it is not selfish. And it is so important. Especially as women, especially as moms, we have so much on our plate. Like if you actually wrote down you what you did, from the time you woke up to the time you went to bed, not your to do list because there's so much that doesn't get on the to do list that you actually do do. And when if you as a mom wrote down every teeny tiny thing that you did, whether it was brush your teeth, go to the bathroom, shower, get kids ready, get lunches ready, right, pick up the house, like so many of those types of things, don't make it on the to do list, but then we fixate on the To Do lists. And we measure our success, just based off the to do list. And we forget how much you actually did in a day, right. And so your energy is key because a lot of people actually don't. When they say that they don't have the time for passive income to like build it and mark it and all of those things and learn what to do and, and everything. To me it's not time. It's, there's a lack of decision to to want to do it. Right for whatever reason. And, and or most likely, there's an energy gap, right? Moms are so exhausted, so they may have the time. But if you are so exhausted, even if you had two hours after the kids got to bed, you may be so exhausted, that you want to scroll social media, or you may want to get on Netflix, and those things aren't wrong. But you're like acknowledging that, like, wow, I'm actually doing that. Because I'm just so exhausted. There's a difference between I want I want I'm, I'm engineering this time to, to sit down and relax, right. And so we've got to choose the path. If we are not prioritizing you making more money, but you're stressed about finances. We've got to do something different. Like I'm just going to be real with you because your financial situation, whether you work for somebody else, you have clients, you are building Pat, like no matter how you're making money right now, if you do not love your current financial situation, if it's not, if it's not the pinnacle of your success, we've got to look at your priorities. We've got to look at your energy, we've got to look at your day to day your week to week because you've got to make a conscious decision are you at peace with not continuing to prioritize making more money right and it's not just about making more money it is about managing your money as well. It's a both and and so you can only manage so much money before you're like okay, now I need more money. So it is so important that we master both and we continue to work on both and and they can coexist and be best friends together. So my energy, my mindset systems have been a big priority of mine. There's been some serious gaps, especially having ADHD. So I've been really prioritizing systems and organization, our home and getting everything super dialed in. I've talked a lot about that on different episodes. I'm building a daily checklist that is more so like income producing activities because I find myself cuz I am very good at income producing activities. And also, I'm very good at getting so caught up in all the other stuff of my life that it gets towards the end of the day. And I'm like, I'm, I did not do like, anything to grow my business today, right? Like, I don't want to be in reactive energy. So I'm building this daily checklist of the things that I know grow my business, and I want to make it this fun game every single day of like, it's almost like a menu. So it's not, it'll be for sale for like a couple bucks. Eventually, too, but I want to like, do it and play with it first. So it'll be like a fun game every single day, like, Oh, what, what can I get done. And that way, there's no negative energy, it's just a fun game to see how many points I can get, if you will. And then the clock resets the next day, and you're competing against yourself, I've done a similar type of checklist in the past, but a lot has changed since then. So I want to like, I want to refresh it and, and make it look pretty. And it's going to be on a clipboard, like I already see it in my head. And it's all about income producing activities. And I want to print off a new checklist every single day, and have it so I can keep seeing my score. Because when your energy is super high, that's a day to like, do a slam slam dunk, right? When your energy is lower. Again, the goal is always progress. So can I do one thing? Can I do two things? Like how many things can I get? How many points can I get? Right? So that's a big one that I'm about to to do. And I'm really, really excited about it. habits and routines, I am still seeing some opportunities, I was gonna say gaps, but I'm gonna say opportunities, opportunities feels more empowering. I see some opportunities for habits which go to the daily checklist, right? Like, I will know, for the most part, what to do, we at least know something that we can do to make progress. We don't give ourselves enough credit a lot of times, and so we don't have to know everything to make progress. We just need to know, one or two steps, then we can figure out the next step. And the next step and the next step. So habits and routines, especially with our lifestyle changing really soon. habits and routines are even more important With summer coming. So important. Like I always want to have fun. And I think it's important to realize, especially as entrepreneurs, freedom comes actually in structure, when you engineer a work your work day to be a two hour block. And that's it. And it's like the most optimized two hour block, then you're not all then you're not in reactive mode, right? And so that's freedom, that is ultimate freedom or something like it right? So habits and routines, I see lots of additional opportunities. So I'm working towards that. I'm also exploring business capital and business grants. Being a woman, woman owned business, there's a lot of opportunity out there. And like I said, I have some of these, I have some big, audacious dreams, or even goals, their dreams, their their ideas, their visions of what wealthy mama movement could turn into, to really deeply support any mom that desires the support. And I see the gap in the marketplace. And I keep saying to myself, why not me? Right? Like, why not me. If you if something is on my heart just as much as something is on your heart and it keeps tugging on you. It's your calling, like it is your calling. And your calling is even higher than a passion in my opinion. Like, I'm passionate about a lot of things. And your calling is like the Holy Grail. And what I've been feeling and the intuitive downloads that I've been receiving and the signs that I've been receiving, just reaffirm everything for me. And so I get to keep doing my part. Sponsors are a big one too. I've really stepping up our sponsorship game for 10 years. I crushed it with sponsors, and and I'm really realizing oh my gosh, why can't that be a part of the wealthy mama movement? So I've been really ramping that up. And that's only going to continue just So as much as our team development is going to continue, and what I've realized with team development is I really love a small core leadership group, like a leadership team. And then from there having an insane amount of people supporting our mission from a affiliate program, to, you know, our cheerleaders, like anyone that wants to be like, more mark, like marketing and getting the word out. So like a core day to day group that is like leading the way. And like, that's my team, like, I see lots of opportunity for my team. And when I have a smaller team, like lean and mean is huge, because we can get really scrappy, I can, I can support them so much more. And there's less chefs in the kitchen, right? And, like, I have so many ideas for my team of what that looks like, I'm identifying opportunities within our team of like, How can I help our team be optimized? How can we communicate better? What can we do for fun? How can I reward them more. So like, this is so much, this is so deep for me, like, this is so personal, and so deep, and about everyone's dreams, everyone's dreams. And I've just been doing so much research, and it's just been really affirming to me that there is a massive, massive gap in the online space. And women, especially moms making money. And, and I just I see, like I see it, and I feel it, and I know I can solve it. And so I'm obsessed, like, I'm absolutely obsessed, like I have to force myself to go to bed. Because I'm that excited. Like, I have not felt that in a very, very long time. And so it just I feel really blessed. And very chill. And so just the more I'm taking care of myself, I know that that is incredibly important. So I wanted to share some of the those pieces with you because I think they are important. And when you can just chill in the lag time and do your part and not stress about it. And again, supplement how you need to supplement. But we are continuing to make progress, like your passive income should be increasing every single month, even if it is teeny tiny or big, right? Like, but it should be bigger than the month before. And if it is not, we get to be honest with ourselves. Why not? Is it a lack of commitment? Right? Like we're not making the time? Is it marketing? Right? Where you're like I am I'm building but I haven't marketed yet. Right? If we are marketing, maybe there's not enough eyeballs, right? Like when you can really look at your passive income business, as a CEO, versus you as a human, you'll take things so much less personally, and you'll be able to make more sound decisions that aren't based on emotions. A lot of times people will shut down their passive income revenue streams because they're taking too long, right? And I believe a lot of times, it's because it feels uncomfortable, that something is taking long. And and then it feels like it's something to do with you like, it must not like I just must not be cut out for this passive income thing. Do you really believe, like, how many people are on social media? Right? Like, anytime I'm getting in my own head, I'm like, how many moms are on social media? Like I'm in Facebook groups of moms with moms, that are my ideal people. And there's 10s of 1000s of moms, right, like so I always go back to data anytime I'm in my own head about anything. And a lot of times the progress is the the hardest part for people because in the beginning, it can take a little bit longer. But think about the stock market, right like the stock market is a very long term passive revenue stream passive income revenue stream. But since people have set the tone of it is a long term strategy. You're not going into it hopefully all tense, like, we know that real estate is for the long game, we know that pass up. The stock market is the long game, we get to also understand that other types of passive income are also for the long, long term, right? Again, we should we get to still see increases every single month, like when you invest in the stock market. Yes, the stock market will go up and down. But overall, holistically, you still want to see your stock portfolio grow, right? Like, you get to be here to make money. And so every CEO of major companies are looking at the whole picture of their company to make sure like, oh, yeah, we had a down month, but overall, we're doing really well, we're continuing to grow, right? Like, we're really doing, we're doing, we're on track, right? Like we want to feel on track. And even if the progress feels slower, it will be motivating. When you can realize, oh, my gosh, last month, I made $100. This month, I made 200 Hmm, you know, huge that is, and when you can start to see it as huge, then, again, going back to like gamifying things, beat your score from the month before, and this the month before was zero, the only way to go is up, right? And a lot of times people get kind of caught up and like well, what does it mean? If it's like, What do I like? How is it passive income, here's a easy way to determine if it's passive income or not decide that it's passive income. I'm being dead serious. When you decide something is passive income for you. It's passive income. Because it's all relative. When you are with a client, you could argue that that's passive income, you could argue that it's not you make the decision. Because all argue that it is like we have a very small book of clients. We're not accepting anyone new because of the vision that we're creating. However, like I'm happy to continue to have our small book of clients. And so I see them as passive income. Is there work involved? Yes. Is there work involved in building out our education programs? Yes. You could argue that we're trading time for money with our clients. And also, you know, how much information I get in group calls, one on one calls, in Telegram, like I hear so much from real people of what's happening. And they're so open and so honest, and we're solving problems in real time, that they're not the only one that's most likely having that challenge, right. So although there is trading time for money, I don't see it as active income, I see it as passive income, because I'm always thinking about the long game. So if five of my clients come to me having mindset challenges, you best believe that we're going to be creating more mindset content, right mindset products, because there's a trend there. And so everything can be passive income, if you decide even working for DoorDash or Instacart, you could literally like this is how my brain works. You could literally earn money, okay, you could earn money with Instacart. And you could have an earbud in your ear, and you could listen to passive income school while you go shop and earn money with Instacart. Right? Then it would be passive income. I love finding loopholes like that. So just look at everything that you're doing, as making money and it being a part of your passive income empire. And the goal though, is that we're making the progress that you desire, all roads lead back to progress and passion. Now, you could argue that you may not be passionate about Instacart or DoorDash, or you know, taking on clients or maybe you have a day job of some sorts. But when we can create every thing in your environment and everything that you're doing that you're making money with when we can really position it as this is amazing. This feels good. This is working towards my dream. It hits different If you continue to say that you're dreading going to work, and you also want to build a passive income business, the energy is conflicting. So it would actually do you so much better to find ways to be happy at your current job while you build your passive income. And that that peace and that happiness is, again with the lag time is so important because it will speed up your timeline. So I'm super, super excited for you. You're gonna be hearing so much more about what we're doing what's coming, it feels incredible. Again, I have to force myself to go to bed. And as I'm recording this, I'm like, it's probably time to go to bed Nelly, like, I want to keep going. But again, we're prioritizing health, wealth, and everything in between happiness, all the things, I want to give a shout out to our episode sponsor of today, which is Kristin Roark. She is helping moms melt that Mama pooch and feel good doing it and small pockets of time. And I, I adore her so much, and respect her so much. And so I would love for you to connect with Kristen give her a follow on social media, busy mom bod. She is so fun and so knowledgeable, and like a complete badass. So thank you, Kristen, for sponsoring today's episode. And I want you to really check in with yourself when it comes to your progress. Are we beating your score from the month before? And if we're not, you could absolutely benefit from passive income school because we are not just teaching you to build I'm teaching you to market and automate, you can ask all of your questions like you could literally come into passive income school and say Nellie, I made XYZ last month and I am not currently, you know, making I'm not beating my score from the month before. Here's what I'm doing. What else should I do? Right? So I would absolutely whether you're making progress or not you having a community around you will only help you make more progress. Like you've got to show up and do the work and having a community around you that is like minded and going towards a similar goal can be huge. So get your booty in passive income school and show up and passive income school if you're already in passive income school. I will see you on our next passive income party. And I love you so much. Thank you for being a part of the wealthy mama movement and I can't wait to find out what happens next. I'm I'm in. I'm in the audience with you as just as much as I am in the actual movie. I'm on both sides and I'm very excited. All right, love you