Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

394. 🔥⚡️Rapid fire mama motivation ⚡️🔥


Are you ready for some 🔥⚡️Rapid fire mama motivation ⚡️🔥
Nellie is coming at you with so much goodness! Enjoy!

Shout out to our episode sponsor Rebecca Hallbach Paciorek with Author Allies to help women to get their voice out there in book form!!
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All right, I am ready to give you everything that I've got give you rapid fire mama motivation tune into this when you need that like extra is like jolt when you need that pep in your step, I am going to like spill my heart out to you and give you everything I've got and do it as quickly as possible because you've got small mom cracks of time to do all of the things. So hide in your bathroom for like 510 minutes, hide in your car, hide in your closet, like wherever you need to be to, like, let someone pour into you today. So I am here in service to you. Because you're pouring into every one else I want to give a shout out to our episode sponsor, which is Rebecca with authors allies, she's got some really cool things in the works to help women get their voice out there in written form and, and let the world see it and be like just so excited to buy their, their their knowledge in books. And that is huge. So you write the book, she helps you market it. And she's got a really cool membership coming. So make sure that you connect with Rebecca with authors allies, so you can get out into the world. And being a published author is totally in your future. I can just feel it. So hang out with Rebecca and she will just make it so much easier. All right. Are we ready? Rapid Fire mama motivation starting in 54321. All right, Mama, you are amazing. If no one has told you today, you are the bomb.com you have birthed or fostered or adopted babies like or a little bit of all of it. Can we just stop for one second and acknowledge how amazing like it amazing does not even do it justice, how amazing it is that you have literally created life in some way shape or form you have created a life you have said Take care, you've taken care of those lives, right? And that's not just a one and done thing that is an everyday thing. You can't delay taking care of your babies like that doesn't just like go on the to do list for the day, the next day like you are taking care of babies day in and day out. And that is the hardest job within itself. So first and foremost, give yourself a pat on the back acknowledge how big of a deal that is. Because it is it is a big freaking deal. And I know there are days a lot of them that feel so hard feel so heavy feel so challenging, to the point where you feel like well, I can't do anything else. I don't have any more energy left to give. And I want to I want to remind you that you did not come to this earth to be a broke burnt out mama. Yes, you desire to have babies. But I'm gonna guess when you started to want to have kids like be like really serious about having kids and raising children. You didn't say you know what? I want to be a broke burnout mom, right? You you thought of being a mother and wanting to to bring life into this world and support other children in like the most rewarding way ever. And yes, it is hard. Yes, there are curveballs Yes, there are challenges every child is different. And also, let me remind you once more, you did not say out loud, I want to be a broke burnout mama, we do not get a medal for this being harder, we do not get a medal for being broke, we don't get a medal for you know, adding more to our plate over and over and over again. And feeling completely depleted and exhausted. So we get to break up with any broke mindset, any broke energy, anyone in our world that has a broke mindset or broke energy, because you deserve to feel amazing. And you feeling amazing is how we create an amazing life. It is not just a when the kids get older, or when I accomplish this milestone or anytime in the future, then you'll feel amazing. We have got to get out of that future casting. And that's when you'll feel good. We get to feel good now and it is our responsibility to engineer feeling good now. And that may be leggings and a crewneck shirt right and you sit and watch a TV show right like and your house stays a little messy right? And then you'll get back to it but it's it does not have to be grand. It does not have to be anything extreme. But what does get to happen is you taking that ownership that you refuse to be a broke burn out mama say it with me like, I refuse to be a broke burnout mama that was never in the cards for you. And here's the here's the interesting part too. You can have money and still feel broke, you can have no money or little money and feel wealthy, it isn't vibe, because your vibes create your life. And so there are people that I know that have more money than me and are completely in scarcity mode. 24/7 and you can feel it's almost like you need to take a shower. And then there's people that are making less than me, and are the happiest human beings, right? They're so present, they're so grateful, they're living their best life and they just know that they'll continue to grow their money. So it is a vibe, it is not just what's in your bank account, it is a vibe. So ask yourself challenge yourself, how am I having some broke energies and broke mindset because having broke ENERGY AND and OR broke mindset isn't gonna make you wealthy, it's going to keep you stuck, it's going to keep you self sabotaging. It's going to keep you attracting humans that have that energy to and when you flip it and reverse it, right, like when you flip it around, and you have the most wealthy, abundant, high vibe, gratitude filled energy, you start to see the world differently before your bank account even changes, right, you literally almost put on different glasses that are a stronger prescription, and the right prescription, right like you can put on glasses and it still be fuzzy, because it's not the right prescription. And so when you choose to step into abundance, when you choose to step into gratitude, it like I love the saying you can't be stressed when you're blessed like and it's so freakin true. Like when you really step into everything that you have everything that you are everything that you're creating, every everything about you that you love, you feel so much gratitude that there's no room for scarcity. There's no room for negative energy. And so then you literally just with that one exercise, put on the right prescription of glasses, and you start to see the world differently, you start to see people differently that you're like, oh, yeah, you, you have some broke energy and you you gotta go work on that, right? Like, I'm going to be over here, and I'm already on chapter, you know, 40 and they're on chapter 10. And you've got to let them have their own experience, you are not meant to save people, you are not meant to be an environment that does not serve you like you doing what's best for you, is what you're supposed to do. Like I need you to hear that boundaries are not bitchy, they are self care. They are your birthright and you engineering, a beautiful structure around you that has the most amazing energy that has the most amazing support is everything like when you are in an environment to thrive, you will thrive when you're in an environment that literally is toxic and negative and, and that broke energy it it even the most positive person is going to inadvertently struggle. They can pull out all the tools and the resources but when we are in an environment that is not truly serving us, it makes it so freakin challenging to thrive. And here's the most important thing that I need you to hear today, Mama, your environment first and foremost is you because you can declutter and have all the boundaries with everyone else. But until you keep promises to yourself until you own your abundant mindset, right until you step up and be blessed. Even if everyone else around you is that positive environment you are stuck with you and you hear your thoughts all day every day. And so the best thing that you can do because we can't control other people, right like we can control our boundaries and speak up for ourselves. But like my advice is work on you. Before you look at your significant other your kids, your work environment, your home life like look in the mirror right and be so honest with yourself because this is where you can have the most transformation. My life completely changed for the better. When I did this years ago before I even had a business like I worked on me first. Then I started monetizing passions, and I do believe you can do them in tandem together. But don't skip over this like be so honest with your Sell because we all have room to grow. We all have human moments. And as you go through this journey, it's not about being perfect. And it's not, it's never about not having a negative thought, because you're human I, I watched a video yesterday, and it said, your brain is not meant for you, like your brain is not designed for you to be successful, and your brain is to help you survive. And that was huge for me, because your brain is constantly assessing stressful environments. It's constantly assessing fear, right? potential risk. And so your brain isn't naturally wired to look for success. Because a lot of times success has risk, right? Like you going full time entrepreneur is one of the most risky, rewarding things that you can do. And so of course, your brain, since it's wired to help you survive, is going to is going to be probably your biggest challenge, right? And so that alone, when I listened to that yesterday, I was like, Holy shit, that is so true. Like, your brain is not meant to naturally help you succeed, it's meant to help you survive like, and when we can honor that, and actually look at that as the most big, like biggest blessing like your brain is trying to help you live another day, right? That's the goal of the brain. And when we look at that operating system, it's doing its job, right, it may be counteracting your big goals and dreams. But this is where like your heart and your soul can help get your brain on board. And this is why I love talking about living and operating in your comfort zone. Because your brain when it's in its comfort zone, right? Like think about when you have your most comfortable outfit on, you're on the couch, you've got a cozy blanket, you're watching your most favorite show, your whole family is home, so you know that they're safe, right, and you have no plans for the day, your brain feels very safe, right? You've got food in the fridge, you've got money in the bank, right? Like you're paying your bills, you're comfortable, you're you're in your home, you have nowhere to be your brain feels incredibly safe. When your brain feel safe, you can really start to expand your comfort zone. And this is how you're going to trick your brain into getting on board with those big goals and dreams to be wildly successful. I was just talking to a client and a friend the other day, that's already wildly successful. And she opened up to me and said, I'm really scared to do this thing. I know that I'll be successful. And I was like, this makes perfect sense, right? It's something new, her brain does not have evidence. And so it's really tripping her up to go forth and do it because although she's already been successful, this is a different category for her. And so her brain is really trying to stop her because your brain is designed to help you survive right? And not do these big audacious goals that we all have on our hearts, right. So how you are going to trick your brain is getting yourself so comfy. So feeling so incredible, that your your comfort zone, right and your brain will slowly keep getting on board and slowly keep expanding that it will feel easy to go on Facebook Live, it will feel easy to do reals, it will feel easy to leave your job, it will feel easy to weed people out of your life right when we go cold turkey and we try to do everything at once and we like go pedal to the metal. It has a short fuse, right? Like you can trick your brain for a hot second, right where you're you're going cold turkey you're doing all of the things are like a maniac on a mission. But there is a moment where that fuse will get to the end kind of like think about a firecracker. And then your brain could be like ocean ocean ocean. So much is going on. We're so scared and then boom, right shutting it down. Right? A lot of people get sick. A lot of people have tech challenges like it has it shows up in different ways. But the minute it gets hard, right? It almost is that's the moment of the fireworks like the brain is like freaking out. And then it becomes too easy for you to be like okay, maybe I'm not meant for this. This feels hard. This feels challenging. And that's when you start to slow down and then start to talk yourself out of all those big goals and dreams because your brain is meant to survive, right? So when you actually go a little bit slower, right Slow and steady wins the race and we expand and we get your your Brains, so onboard, and so comfortable and your nervous system is so regulated, it feels so easy and so natural to keep doing kind of like popcorn, keep doing all of these really big, scary things, but they don't feel so scary, because we have a different approach. And that person will actually be more successful long term than the person that just goes, like pedal to the metal and doing all the things and all at once and, and they're just freaking the eff out, right? Like they're dying inside, right? Like, they're freaking out so much. And then that fuse literally stops. And it's it's game over, right? And then, and then typically, if they if they don't address the root of the problem, and I can speak from experience, because I've done this myself, like, I have operated in that fire work energy, right. And so then if we don't address what really happened, and you're just like, Oh, I got sick, or I got burnout, let me just get back up on the horse, right? And then you do that same pattern again, guess what, even if it manifests in different ways, like maybe you don't get sick the next time, but you have a different challenge. Then the cycle repeats again, and again. And again, right. And so the the coolest thing that I'm really understanding, I have signed up for a marathon. A marathon is a big deal, like from a health and wellness standpoint, to be able to accomplish, like train and accomplish a marathon is something I've always wanted to do. And so I worked up to it, though, last year, I was in postpartum. And it was very, it was very challenging. And it was a lot. So I committed to a half marathon. That's me, working in my comfort zone, I trained for it, I did it, I ran it, it felt pretty good, right? Like I was really proud of myself. And I already knew before I crossed the finish line that I was going to do a full marathon this year. So I have already signed up for the full marathon, I have my training schedule picked out like this is expanding your comfort zone, the marathon isn't next week. It's, it's 10 months away, so I have the time to properly train. And I asked a marathon friend last week, any tips that you have to to properly train because I'm still, I'm in the newbie phase, right? Like, I acknowledge that I am not an expert in running marathons. And so I am enlisting support I am researching, I'm asking questions. And she gave me the best advice that literally made me realize I can use this for business too. So I'm gonna give it to you now. But just know that more trainings are coming on this as I implement it, but it's called I never have heard of it before. But she said it's called the run walk method. She said, when you do the marathon, don't try to run the whole thing you will literally running 26 plus miles in in one around is not natural for your body, right. And so you trying to run it will actually most likely hurt your body. So the the marathon method is called the run walk method. And she said Google it, there's all different forms, which I love. So there's all different like, flavors of the run walk method. But basically what the goal is, is you run for a certain period of time, and then you walk for a certain period of time, the whole marathon, it's run, walk, run, walk, run, walk. And what I love about this is this is the comfort zone for a marathon. So when you start the marathon, it the goal isn't oh my gosh, I have 26 plus miles to run, it's okay, I'm gonna put on my apple, watch up my Apple watch things. I'm talking to it. I'm gonna put five minutes and I'm gonna run for those five min minutes, and I'm going to jam out. And then I'm going to walk for two minutes, for example, right? And you could like keep doing that and keep doing that and keep doing that. And before you know it, right, you're having the best time ever, you're listening to music, you have small little Sprint's within a big marathon, right? And it's all mindset, right? Like a marathon is mindset just as much as businesses just as much as any other big goal or dream that you desire. It's the mindset around it. It's the protocol around it. It's the energy around it, right. And so, I am so grateful that I asked her because I never in a million years did I think that that's what she was going to say I have idolized her for so long. She's a marathon runner, a mom of three, like just total badass, and she's like, Yeah, don't try to run the whole thing. And the amount of pressure like I can't even describe the amount of pressure that somebody I admire. Um, told me Don't try to run the whole thing. And here's a protocol for you to go look up. And then she was like, I would totally love to train with you. So I was like, this is the power of speaking up for yourself because it was so casual. And I was like, Hey, do you have any advice, I know you've ran a lot of marathons, I'm committed to my first and I'm super excited, right? I would have not gotten that advice, if I would have not spoke up for myself. So this is your reminder to speak up for yourself, right? Because you never know what someone's going to say. And this is not just like standing up for yourself from a boundary perspective. But like, that was me proactively speaking up for my wealthiest, healthiest self. So before I've done even any hardcore training, she gave me the best protocol that I'm so down with, and even makes training easier, because it will just be about my endurance, and my my Sprint's that all start to really be able to play with the amount of time like maybe it's five minutes, and then two minutes, right, and I can play with all of it. And it feels so much easier. Again, we don't get a gold medal for it being harder, my goal is to finish the hat, the full marathon, not the half marathon, the full marathon in one piece and not be dying, right? Like, I want to be able to cross that finish line with ease, flow and fun. And so she gave me a protocol, that literally is huge. And the reason why I'm sharing with this with you now is the run walk method, like it literally hit me last week, I'm like, this can be with everything. It can be with your marketing, it can be with your finances, right, like if you wanted to pay off debt, you could do a run walk method where you're like, Okay, for the next 10 days, we're going to, you know, you know, reduce spending, we're going to increase revenue. And then we're going to put, you know, all of the additional stuff towards debt, right? Like, there's so much that you can do in life and in business with this run walk method that I'm already testing it, like, behind the scenes, I've already recorded content with that run, walk protocol for other parts of my life, right decluttering your home, set a timer, that's the run walk method, right? Like, I'm going to do 20 minutes, and I'm going to like, literally declutter as much as I can, and then I'm going to stop, and then take a break, right. And this is just, it's so exciting. To me, it's so fun. It's a way to really gamify things and not make it feel so overwhelming. Because to pay off debt can feel overwhelming to run a marathon can feel overwhelming, to play on all of your content, or build an entire course, or to leave your job, like all of these big Pivotal, things can feel so exciting, and also so overwhelming. And when your brain is designed to help you survive, it will avoid these big, big things in your life. And that's when I feel like we get so frustrated because we're like, oh, what's wrong with me? It's not what's wrong with me what's wrong with you, or what's wrong with me, it's how like, understanding how you are wired. And not trying to work against it is one of the best, most life changing things that you can do. And it doesn't mean that you can't have those things, we just need to communicate with your brain in a way that works with your brain. And every single person's brain just like your fingerprints, is unique, which also can make it challenging, because you're like, oh, my gosh, what works for Nellie may not work for me. But we don't know until we experiment, right? You could try this one run walk method, you could try the expansion of your comfort zone and see what works for you, and how does it work for you. And now we know right? A part of experimenting, if you look at it from a scientific lens, is that phase where we are in this experimenting, like trying and ruling out things? It took 10,000 tries to get the light bulb. So it may take you a few rounds to really understand what truly works for your brain. And this is probably the most important thing to speak up with is what actually works for your brain. Right? You probably already know, but you're trying to fit into a box or a mold. That really isn't you like for me, I there's no way I could be successful in a nine to five job. I have to sit in a cubicle all day. Like it just wouldn't work for me. It wouldn't work for my life. It wouldn't work for my brain. And so I'm doing myself and anyone else a disservice by trying to fit myself in that box. So I've got to make my own box. I've got to make my own container and understand what really works for me and be my best advocate and really speak up and stand up and operate in a way that works with myself but still allows my comfort, my comfort zone to expand I'm so this year, I am really deeming as the year of expansion for women, it's when so many women this year alone, are truly saying enough is enough. They're sick and tired of being broke. They're sick and tired of being sick and tired. They're, they're over the nine to five there over the having to hustle to get clients. There are over, you know, bro marketing methods, like, I really feel like this is the year more than ever, that women are just, I, you know what I'm done, I'm done trying to do things a certain way that don't work for me, that don't work for my family, I'm going to pave my own way. And I'm going to I'm going to manifest, right? Everything I've always desired, right? That woman that is that they maniac on a mission, but not to the point where she's burning out right there there is there is an ebb and a flow to it. Right? I am a generator if you know anything about human design, and I also have ADHD. So I do move really fast. And I've had to let go of people placing their own judgment on me where they're like, you move so fast. And then and then I stopped myself. And I'm like, is that a bad thing? Because I do move fast. But I really practice moving fast in a way that I don't burn out. And it has taken a lot of practice to get there. Because before I would be the one working 80 hours a week. So I I didn't know my threshold. Now I know my threshold to the point last night, I wanted to keep going, because I love what I do. And I checked in with my myself and I said no, it's time to go to bed. And so it has, it's taken a while to get to there. But I refuse to apologize for going fast, because I'm going at a pace that feels good to me. And when you have ADHD, you you have challenges however, what I have found is you also have so much energy that you do need to burn. And so when you see that person moving so fast, it's probably because they need to go burn energy, they're under stimulated, we talk a lot about people being overstimulated. But there is a lot of people out there that if they are under stimulated, like it's almost like you have all of this energy in your body. And it needs to move, right. So I love cleaning my house actually like because it burns my energy. I love chasing my kids around. I love creating content, like anything where I am moving is amazing, which it's no surprise that I'm training for a full marathon because I'm like, this is the best thing for me. And it's for my health, right? Because it is very easy for me to put a lot of that energy into my business. And I've been really practicing putting that energy into my life, my health, my family, my house, right and making sure I have that all balanced. So this is I have a spam call coming in. There's no spam calls right now, I'm pouring into some mom's baggage. So this is an ever breathing thing. But stop fitting in into a box that you're not meant to be in. You are so unique and so special. And when you can really see that and own that you will move differently, you will operate differently, you will make different decisions, and it can happen today. You can literally decide today. You know what, Nellie, you're right? I am a badass, I am meant to do great thanks. And I'm going to find ways to get my brain on board right and create the life I've always wanted, right? And there is nothing wrong with desiring more and being grateful for where you're at. Like there is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with anything that serves and supports you and do not this is the most important message of this whole video. Do not let anyone dictate how you should feel what you should do, how you should do it, why you should do it. You start to lose your voice and most importantly, the dreams that were already placed on your heart when we allow everyone else to doodle. to dilute our truth. You are your Northstar know your truth more than anyone else and you can absolutely enroll other people and use them as a sounding board. But when people are on soliciting, giving you judgment and feedback, do not accept it. Like this just happened to me recently. And I like I didn't even accept it. I shut it down because I am so sure of my path and who I am and that's taken a lot to get here. I don't I don't you know discount that it's taken a lot to get here. And the more you focus on pouring into you you're her voice, your Northstar will get stronger and stronger and stronger where no one can stop, you know, you're like, You're just like your, your vision is so unwavering that even when people that are close minded, say certain things like, you move too fast, right? You're doing too much, right? Like, I've heard it all. And it's, it's really, at times gotten to me because I'm like, Am I moving too fast? Am I doing too much? And it's like, when you really check in with yourself, and you drown out all of those voices, and you you truly are honest with yourself? How do you actually feel? What do you actually want to do? Who do you actually want to be if you drowned out everyone else's thoughts and opinions, just for a second? What do you want, because you are stuck with you for the rest of your life. So when you can get so at peace with who you are, who you're becoming, what you're doing what you're creating, and you can be so at peace with it, you never want to leave, you never want to escape. You love your life, you love your business, you love who you're around you love every aspect of what you are creating, because it's all intentional, it doesn't mean that it's perfect. It doesn't mean that there's challenges, but your vibe around, all of that is so different. And every single woman, every single person on this planet can do this. And if you don't believe that you can do this, come talk to me, because we've got some work to do. And then you'll get there. I really do believe that every person, absolutely no matter where you're at, with their mindset, no matter where you're at, in your journey can create this, and it can literally happen today. It is a decision. And this is emotional freedom, when you finally decide that you're worth it, when you finally decide that you are amazing. When you finally decide that you do want X, Y, Z, you start to create it because you finally are honest with yourself. Be honest with yourself today on what you really, really desire. Because until we have that honest moment, you're going to feel out of alignment, because you're not being honest with yourself. And when we're not honest with other people. It feels weird. Like when I was pregnant with both kids, and we waited to tell other people, like I almost like felt like I was hiding something like and of course it was by design, it was intentional. But it still felt so weird. And like that's the only thing I can describe very quickly. Like, that's what it feels like when you are hiding who you really are. And you're not being honest with other people. And you're not being honest with yourself like it feels very funky. So go be honest with yourself first, then you can start being honest with other people. And we can move forward so much easier. And in design everything that you desire. But it's up to you. It is not up to anyone else. No one is coming to save you. You save yourself like you are here to save yourself. You are meant to live a wealthy, amazing, crazy, ridiculous funfilled life you are meant to do that. But until you believe it until you see it, will it keep passing you up, and it will just come back around and it'll keep circling. Like, Is she ready? Like Is she ready? Like is she truly ready, not just saying that she's ready, but showing us that she's ready. And how you show the world and the universe and any like God Spirit, whatever you believe in, how you show that you're truly ready, it's first deciding and then moving in alignment. So if you decide that you want to leave your job, you need to go do something today to back that up, right? Even the smallest thing can anchor in that decision. But we aren't just we're not just talking to talk here. We are walking the walk, we are skipping we are running like you are doing cartwheels roll for all that I care, right like but move, right? Decide and move accordingly. And then do it again. And do it again and do it again. And this is when the compound effect really kicks in. Because you have done something in alignment over and over and over again day in and day out without burning yourself out. And you're feeling better and better and better. And then this is when you get lucky because you've done something long enough that wow, it actually feels like it's getting easier, right? The compound effect is not just this magical thing that happens. It is engineered it is manufactured by you or not. So make a decision today and then back it up with some action that that literally helps that decision be anchored in and move forward. And then keep doing this. And let me know how this works for you because it works like, regardless of whatever you decide and and then you move accordingly it will work, it will work from the smallest thing to the biggest thing. This will work for you again and again and again. And you can be the most imperfect person and still get amazing results. Because you're doing it more than you're not doing it. Even imperfectly, even if kids get sick, you get sick, maybe we have a day of self sabotage, maybe we have to like get back up again. It's your human of course that's going to happen. The goal is that we're doing it more than we don't do it and we don't give up. We don't give up and we're using you and your desires as your Northstar no one else's opinions. Because when we start to use other people's Northstars that's when you start going in a different direction. And then you're like what's happening? I'm, I'm literally spinning in circles, right? And it's because you're not going with your Northstar, you're going with other people's Northstars so pave your own way. Know that you're a fucking badass and I can't wait to keep celebrating you. You've got this you are amazing.