Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

396. The EASIEST Way to 100K


The EASIEST way to 100K - Wealthy Mama Movement Makers Affiliate program!!

Check out this video and learn all about it!!!


Oh my goodness, this is gonna be such a good video I want to break down for you the easiest way to make 100k Because we don't get a gold medal for things being harder. So if option one to make $100,000 is super freakin fun and easy and enjoyable, right? And you've got support. So that's option one. Option two is grueling, painful, exhausting. And like you want to bang, like banging your head against the wall, like which option do you pick? Which one because a logically, we want to pick the easier way the path to least resistance. And that really, really is so important. So I wanted to give you a quick demo of one of the fastest, easiest ways to 100k. Now I also want to preface this with this is not a get rich quick overnight, feel the need to say that because people always think, oh my gosh, I'm going to be you know, a six figure earner overnight. It takes time and effort it takes learning high income skills, typically we're not going to get anything right the first time, we're going to like fumble a little bit, then we're gonna get back up like you've depending on where you're at in your journey, you got to get comfortable on camera, right, we've got to get comfortable reaching out to people, we get to work on our mindset. So this is still a journey. But it can still be easier. So I want to break down some numbers. I'm a very like nerdy data data driven type of human. And there's like a fun playful side to me. So we are releasing one of the most like competitive affiliate programs out on the market, it is unheard of to receive 50% Commission. That's a reoccurring, like unheard of. So we want to be different, and we want to share the wealth with amazing women, it was going to be much lower. And just one day, I was like, No, we are here to pave the way for wealthy moms to be. And I want to share the wealth like I want us in the playing field together, we are equal partners in the affiliate game where I'm helping you you're helping us every one wins when you win, like so your effort is still needed. However, the coolest part about this is you get 50% of reoccurring commissions, when you enroll into our All Access Program. As long as they stay, we're paying you every Friday, from anything that you earned before that Friday. So like every week, you will get paid out. And you still have to like pay taxes, okay, be a good human pay your taxes. But to learn high income skills for free, like I'm going to coach you for free, support you for free, there's also going to be additional rewards and incentives along your path. And you get to be around other like minded humans. So my big dream, my big goal is to help at least 22 mamas make $100,000 with our all access affiliate program. So we are calling this our movement maker, you are essentially helping us create the movement to gather ever since I have been rebuilding my vision, my business, postpartum depression and anxiety. A I've had such powerful conversations privately with so many women. And like, I just get so fired up because I want so many more women making so much more money and it should be easier, it should be fun, like, and the challenge is that we're trying to learn from people that are not moms, it is different when you are a mom and how you run a business and how you take care of yourself and how you run your household. So when we're learning for people that are either not moms, or they are not in the thick of motherhood, it just it's gonna land differently. And then that's when you start to like shame yourself because you're like, why can't I do this 50 thing is this 50 part email funnel sequence, it's like, well, because you're changing diapers, you're running, like you have so much on your plate. So we're really taking this holistic approach with our All Access Program, where for one flat rate that is at $1. So we're very transparent on our pricing very transparent on how you can make money. So for $80 A bomb can learn everything. So when I was a new mom with Emma, I wanted to join masterminds to be a part of, you know, that a group right that the community and learn and grow. I didn't have the skills that I have today. And so I couldn't afford an $18,000 mastermind. It just wasn't in the cards for me. And so there's a big gap in the online space where you either want to pay or have to pay to learn from like the big big names and then apply that to you or you have to YouTube your way through it and read books and and try to figure it out. And so there's a gap because I don't want any mom that wants to do this be left behind. So thanks to our sponsors, and the way that we're running our for profit company like we're really taking a, a mission driven approach of this is about all moms winning that want to win. And so our affiliate program is no different. And so I wanted to break this down for you before I have to go do school pickup, we're just keeping it real over here. So our all access is a monthly payment of $88, you get 50% of that. reoccurring, right. So without like fees, and taxes, and all of those fun things, we're just doing easy math today, that would be $44. Again, it will be slightly different with processing fees. So in order for you to be a six figure earner, you need $1,333 A month to reach $100,000 in an overall sales for you, right. So instead of trying to do a lot of different things, you just come to us, we coach you mentor you support you guide you for free to help you continue to bring amazing moms into the All Access Pass. So essentially, in order to hit this number, I love breaking numbers down. Okay, so in order to hit that number, which will lead to $100,000. Overall, you would need a total of 189 enrollments. Now that might sound overwhelming to you. So I anytime a number feels overwhelming to me, I like to break it down more. So let's break it down more. So that's 16 new members every single month, late every single month. Or if you want to break it down even more that would be for new mamas every single week that you are enrolling now, I will teach you things that you can do to make it easy and not complicated and your small mom pockets of time. And so you might be thinking, well, I don't know, 200 Moms now like I know 20 Or I know 10 Or I know five, which is great. We like if you want to you can always reach out to people you already know first, but typically you will hit that threshold of like, okay, now like, I don't know, 200 moms. So here's the thing that I've had to decide as a company, I've had to decide, do I pay Mark Zuckerberg a bunch of money to go find amazing moms out there? Because I don't have a lot of time? Or do I pay other amazing moms and reward them for going out and finding bumps? So there are mom, Facebook groups galore, you're probably in them yourself, right? So there are, like so many incredible moms out there that are trying to figure this out on their own. I see it in every single Facebook group that I'm in daily, I don't have the time to manually do it. And so I can either pay Mark Zuckerberg or I can pay you, I would much rather pay you now we'll continue to run ads because we're treating ourselves like we would you as a movement maker, like we'll still be getting the word out, which my goal is it just helps you become more well known. You're a part of the movement as well. So anytime I get in my head of like, Can I really enroll four members a week, I remind myself there's on average, everyday, there's 2.9 billion people on Facebook every single day. And on Instagram, on average, there are 5 million people on Instagram. So many Facebook groups that have 80,000 moms in it 20,000 Mom's 30,000 mom, so I will teach you all the strategies that you need all the scripts that you need all the support the incentives, like that's my job. That's why we're 5050 percentage partners in the affiliate partnership. Again, this is unheard of, like if you sign up to become an affiliate for Amazon. It's like 1% to like 10% and commissions and that's a one time payment not reoccurring. So like even if you don't join the movement makers, I highly highly always suggest you look for reoccurring based affiliate partners, because it's just going to keep stacking, it's just going to keep building, right? So a lot like passive income because this is passive income, there will be a building phase. But can you imagine you enrolling people every single week, right, using my strategies, there's going to be a private Facebook group, anyone that wants to go for$100,000 You'll get additional tools and resources, you're not penalized if you never hit that but those that really want to go for it. I want to give more time and attention to those that are like okay, I really want to do this like and you mean it and there will be some requirements as far as like okay, I need you to be interacting, I need you to be you know, applying these strategies. So there will be some requirements if you want that extra support as far as like accountable He measures but you're not going to be like ever, like penalized or in trouble or like, you must do this today or anything like that. It's not gonna be anything like that. Okay, so do you believe this is possible, like, as we are doing this together, okay, not who you already know, you wouldn't even have to tell anyone about it. You wouldn't even have to ever post on your socials, you could just be going into Facebook groups, and driving traffic. And we have a whole customer journey, like we take care of the heavy lifting, once you go find the people. And then once the people sign up, you collect the cash, right, plus additional incentives. So and you can apply all of the things that you learn to your own business. You're welcome, right? So we're really looking for quality, people that want to make this a priority, whether it's 100,000, or lower or higher. But people that are like, I really believe in your mission, I really want to be a part of this, you will also have an opportunity to come into the All Access membership at a discounted rate. I that's not required. But personally, anytime I am promoting someone or something, I want to know more about it. So you're not by any means required to join as an all access member. But it can't be helpful. And I always want you building your own revenue streams too. So I want this to be very time time effective for you, and help you apply these high income skills to other affiliate programs, your things that you create for your business. And it just keeps multiplying and growing and growing and growing and growing. So if you have any questions, just send me a DM. If you're ready to apply and become a movement maker for free today, just look for the link. If you can't find the link to apply, just send me a DM depending on when you're watching this video. But I could not be more excited to share the wealth with you and grow together because that's my whole mission at the wealthy mama movement. And a lot of times I have moments where I'm like, Am I qualified to do this? Should I be doing this and I just get I continue to get like reaffirmed that this is what I'm supposed to be doing on so many levels. And so I right here in the trenches with you. I've learned so much over the last six years and total in 17 years of being a social entrepreneur. And I want to just truly genuinely help you make more money. And this feels incredibly good to you. Like I said, this is not you will not find this on the internet like 50% reoccurring commissions plus incentives plus free coaching and mentoring. It's just It doesn't like it's very unicorn based, which is perfect for our brands. So let me know if you're ready to apply. I would love to have you on the movement maker team and create Win win together and just help as many moms My dream is to reach 1 Million Moms, whether they join all access or not. But just for 1 Million Moms to know what we do and how we can help them whether it's in our free membership, or our paid membership, which is the all access like that's okay with me like just helping that many moms know that they're not alone and that they can make money online is what I'm focused on is my big, audacious dream. So I would love your support with that. Let me know and we can't wait to welcome you in as a movement maker.