Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

401. 2 Magical Things to Help Get You UNSTUCK!


On this episode, Nellie is sharing 2 very deep thoughts that she felt called to share! Two (2) magical things to help get you UNSTUCK!! 

These are bold shifts, would love to know what you think!


Oh my gosh, this is for me, this is for me, I have two really, really big, deep thoughts for you. And I would love to hear your thoughts on them. So this is, this is a discussion for anyone that wants to chat with me. So, number one, I went like this. But number one, number one is be aware of business advice that's very generalized. Like, you should always do this, you should always do this, you should always do this. Like I do believe in frameworks, and also frameworks that allow creativity and expansiveness like to generalize that there's only one way to do something, or this is the only way it like, I'm even careful, like I correct myself, when I find myself, just doing it without knowing that I'm doing it. So I'm so aware of it. And you'll probably notice I have corrected myself and like, now, you'll probably definitely notice that I'm so in this is so important, because I saw a post the other day, and it was just like, it said, to not prioritize passive income before getting like high ticket clients. And I was like, I felt so close called to be like, well, that's not necessarily true based on the person, right? Like, she basically said, like, if you're not at 10,000 to 25,000, in reoccurring revenue, do not prioritize passive income before you get the high end clients. And I just I don't agree with that. That's general alized feedback. That may not be true for each and every person, like it may be a stay at home mom that doesn't have any expenses right now necessarily, like their significant other is carrying the team from like a day to day spending standpoint, and they want to add extra income to the family, right? Or maybe they have an inheritance, or maybe like, we just don't always know somebody's situation and desire to build passive income or anything, it would be like saying that everyone loves Olive Garden, like, not everyone does love Olive Garden, like in fact, my husband does not love, love our olive garden, but I love Olive Garden. So anytime he has, like a sporting event, like I typically always get all a garden. So just generalized feedback. And advice is just, it can be a slippery slope. So just be mindful of that when you're consuming content, whether it be online or in a book or anywhere like and just know that I'm always like, I'm not perfect, but I really do try my very, very best to be mindful to not generalize and I do correct myself a ton. Number two, number two, so many women, everyone but so many women, overthink so much. And intuitively, I had the download last night. I don't know where it came from the higher goddesses, but the intuitive download was we as women overthink a lot typically see how I'm not trying to generalize. Typically a reason why not always but typically, a reason why we overthink is we have so many other fucking people's voices and opinions in our motherfucking mind. Like there's just there's so much going on on top of our own insecurities, our own voice, right, like our past, right, like, all of the past versions of ourselves and other people just all in our head. And like it's just so much and so a lot of times I really think we I'm included in this narrative. I really think we overthink we are afraid to make the next move or whatever is not serving us right it's because we have so many motherfucking voices in our heads that do not belong there. Like I love the saying tell the negative committee to sit the fuck down and I'm going to add to that to leave the fucking building like this is all my intuition coming in this is like true like higher power Nellie like this is my soul speaking to you like this isn't even me. Like I'm getting like chills sits up up down to leave the fucking building. Like truly because I have been working so intentionally since honestly August, like even before that but like very much August undoing all of those negative of committee voices like, and a lot of them are fake characters. They're not even real people, they may, they may be assigned to people. But is that even what they think? Right? Like we make up so many stories in our heads that are probably not true. And we attach those to different characters in our life. And it just creates so much leaky, yucky energy that is not serving anyone, like, truly. And so for months and months and months, I've just been like, I'm doing all of that. And I can finally, like, I think I'm having so many intuitive downloads recently, one because I'm listening to my Intuit intuitive downloads. And also, I have been getting all of those voices out of my head, I can move so much quicker. I'm trusting myself so much deeper, I'm communicating so much more effective. Like I'm still gonna fuck up. I'm still imperfect, and people in my world, whether that be personal or professional that truly love me, like, No, I always have the best intentions. And like, I'm gonna own my backups, and I'm going to clean up my mess, like, welcome, welcome to my home, like, so like physically and like whatever the other word, I'm wanting to say, figuratively, there we go, I will always clean up my mess, like, I will always take responsibility to always clean up my mess and do my part, I'm not going to clean up your mess, I'll clean up my mess, like, I'll own my part, clean up my mess, and your responsibility is yours. Right like, and so I used to clean up other people's messes, and I had to let that shit go. Right like a lot of like the undoing. I had to, I had to own that I'm not meant to be here to save people. There's a difference between supporting and in teaching and saving. I am not a Savior. I don't want to be a savior. It's not helpful for you to be a saver. It's not helpful to me to be a savior. Like, I had to surrender to saving other people to let it go. It is not my job. It is not my job. It's not my responsibility. And it's not helpful for anyone. And in that has been one of the most freeing things like we talked about money, freedom, and time, freedom, but none of that shit really matters if you don't have emotional freedom. And I know that that takes a lot. It takes so much to have emotional freedom. But you can get there like I really do believe baby steps I've been to the darkest darks Right? Like, I've, I've felt so many things just like everyone and like, it's not a competition either. Like, it's not a competition. We're not here to like compare each other's trauma and see who wins. But we're like, we're all in this together. Like we're all in this together near and far. And it's just like, the more we let those voices go and undo. And finally, like hear our voice, you will you will no longer overthink for long periods of time. Right? Like, you'll be less likely. And being careful not to generalize. You'll be less likely to, to overthink, you'll be less likely to, to stay stuck like to feel in a funk. Like you're no longer the villain. You're You're the hero like and you you feel empowered. And like anytime you do feel those things. You're like, okay, yeah, no, I don't want to be here. So I'm gonna I'm gonna leave, like if you're not willing to leave the facility, oh, leave this stocking building and I'll build a new building. Like, I'll build a new building. Like we just have so much power already inside of us. You don't have to go anywhere and find it. It's already within you. But you probably maybe have too many fucking voices in your head that do not belong there. And the more we like, let those go. Life changing emotional freedom, emotional freedom, one step at a time. So I hope you enjoy coming to my TED talk. I really want to do another TED Talk. So we're just going to manifest that too. Okay,