Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

416. F Bomb Motivation!


On this episode, Nellie is giving some motivation and dropping *f bombs.
*only watch if you’re down for high energy and cuss words 

Self-belief, self-responsibility, and self-love are key to personal success. Let go of negative thoughts and toxic relationships, prioritize self-care, and embrace your unique identity and capabilities. By taking personal responsibility and owning your power, you can create positive change in your life and inspire others to do the same.

We will touch on: 

  • Self-empowerment, letting go of negativity, and pursuing one's desires.
  • Embracing self-worth and confidence through affirmations.

Ah, welcome to your on demand fuck bomb motivation anytime that you're just like in your own head and you're just having a moment and you don't want to stay in that moment, come back to this video, because sometimes, a lot of times, we just need the reminder of how fucking amazing we are. So that's where I want to start. You're the fucking shit. Let me say it again. You're the fucking shit. You are so smart, so successful, it's just gonna get better for you. You're gonna get hotter, you're gonna get wiser, you're gonna get more successful, happier. You are gonna get, like, I think I said hotter, but you're gonna get hotter than where we need to say it again and again and again. It is just going to keep getting fucking better for you, except that that is your fucking path, that is your fucking destination, that you are meant to have a fucking ridiculous, amazing, fun filled, sexy, vibrant, electric, money exploding life like just allow that to flood over your whole fucking body, that that is it, and anything that is not related to that, not aligned with that, anyone that is not related or aligned with that, has got to fucking go like you've got to fucking let go. You've got to fucking let go. You've got to let go of every negative belief, every negative thought, every toxic relationship, or even just relationship that just doesn't feel good. Vibes do not fucking lie. Vibes literally introduce somebody and keep reintroducing them before and during and after somebody speaks. Vibes are life. Their fucking life. And you, my friend, are the fucking shit you are meant to have everything that is on your heart. And a lot of times, a lot of fucking times, we just get in our own way, and we stay in our own way, and we stay there, and we stay there, and we stay there. And just no more. Fuck it no more. It is time to dial it up. It is time to go for everything that you fucking desire, because if it's to be it's up to fucking you no one else, anything that is on your heart, anything that you desire, anything that you want to do and the way that you want to feel is your fucking responsibility. Say it with me. It's my fucking responsibility, and you are meant to have everything that you desire, everything that's on your mind, everything that's on your heart, but it is your responsibility and to whom much is given, much is required. You can do this. You will do this. You're already doing it. You don't have to go seek outside validation. What you need is to look in the fucking mirror. And you need to look at yourself and be like, I'm the fucking shit. I'm the fucking shit. It's, it's like the song The shit is bananas, B, a n, a n, a s, like you've got to literally get in you, your essence, your energy, who you are, where you're heading, who you're becoming. But know that you're already have everything inside of you. It just might have some shit on top of it that you need to let go of that. You need to literally, like, dust the cobwebs off and get your game face on and put some more time and energy into everything that you want is built on choices. Is built on fucking habits. It's built on not giving up and a lot of times caring caring less about everyone else's opinions. This doesn't make you a bitch. It doesn't mean that you don't care about other people, but too often, we're allowing, we are allowing other people and their opinions, whether they're saying them or not, what we think that they're thinking about us to stop us from our wealthiest life. And I'm going to promise you, everyone is too busy. It's too busy. They may be saying something, they may not fucking be saying something. But what do you want to say about yourself? What do you want your day to be filled with? What do you want your brain to be filled with. What do you want to say yes to, and what do you want to say no to? We always, we a lot of times, are seeking outside validation, and we're not pulling a seat up at the fucking table of our our table, and we're allowing. Everyone else at the table to decide who we are, where we're heading, what we do day to day, versus us literally be like, you know, what I'm I'm the head of my table. Like, who gets to sit at my wealth table? What do I do every single day? I want you to call back your fucking power. I want you to call in your amazing fucking essence, your energy. Who you are already is good enough. You are fucking good enough. You are good enough. You do not have to have it all figured out. You don't have to get all of your shit together to be good enough. You're already fucking good enough. You are good enough, you are good enough, you are fucking good enough. You're more than enough. You're the fucking shit. I'll keep on saying that you are the fucking shit. But until you look in the mirror and look at yourself and be like the fucking shit, I am the fucking shit, your brain only knows what you tell it. So it may feel so wild and silly and crazy to look in the mirror and be in that essence of like, I'm the fucking shit. And back it up. Back it up. Be like, why am I the fucking shit? Like, literally, look at your mirror and look at the mirror and be like, why am the fucking shit? Because I am. And then give all of your examples. Look at yourself and sell yourself on why you are the fucking shit until you fully believe it and let go of anything and anyone that is not aligned with that vibe, with that energy. You You know, you know when you're watching this that vibes don't walk the vibes Don't fucking lie. So when you are getting in the I'm the fucking shit energy, it's a vibe. It is a vibe that you can literally dial up. You can literally dial it up and be like, I am the fucking shit. And you will eventually fully from head to toe feel it. But we are human. It doesn't mean that you'll stay there, because life happens, but you'll start to get in this mode of, you know how to turn it back up? You know how to get in the energy of, I am the fucking shit, and it will be so much easier for you to move towards your wealthiest life, and it'll be so much easier for you to say yes and no, because you are seeing yourself in a such a different energy, such a different light. And you know, you know where you're heading. You don't have to have all the steps figured out. Many times in my my life and my career, I am literally one foot in front of the fucking other trying to figure it out, but I'm trusting myself. This is something that takes time to do, but today I want to help activate you. I want to help get you in the I'm, in the I Am, the fucking shit energy. And the more you look at yourself in the near and start to embody it, and believe it, maybe today, your belief in the I'm the fucking shit is 5% fantastic. Tomorrow, let's get you to 10% then the next day, let's get you to 15% let's get you to 20% and before you know it, it will start to compound. It will start to pick up speed that you'll start to feel and believe and be the fucking shit, head to toe, inside and out, 100% and anytime that you don't feel like it, you will know, what do I need to do? It's time. It's time to look in the mirror. It's time to remind myself I'm the fucking shit. I am the fucking shit. Everything and everyone in this world is vibrating on a circuit certain frequency. And vibes don't lie. So when you have low energy, that is you as a energetic being saying, Yeah, this, this ain't aligned. Either something needs to tweak or modify or we need we gets to go. We gets to go. So pay attention to any and all vibes, because vibes do not fucking lie, including you. If you constantly feel low energy that's now just going to magically fucking change. We got to do something about it. We've got to do a lot of things about it, and all of this is your responsibility. You. All of it, and you taking responsibility is how you'll be able to turn that up. Like, imagine when you're driving in your car, when you have a song that you love, come on, what do you do? You reach and you turn up the knob. Do you like? Call the girlfriend and be like, Oh my gosh, the song is on. But can you come all the way over here and turn it up for me. No, that doesn't make sense. You're like, Oh, I'm in the driver's seat. I'm in my car. The the song that I love comes on. What do I know to do? I turn it up. It's time to turn on and turn up the I'm I'm the fucking shit. When more women can see themselves without any outside, outside validation of I'm the fucking shit. I'm gonna go change a lot of lives. I'm gonna become the healthiest, happiest, wealthy version of myself, and I am not gonna apologize for it, and I'm going to keep moving forward, and I'm going to really dial this up. I'm gonna turn it on, and I'm gonna dial it up. If it's to be it's up to me. It's my responsibility. By you standing in your power, will literally change the world. By you being you. There's only one YOU, and I don't know about you, but I'm, I'm turning this up. I am turning it up. I am, I am truly just in this energetic space of like, you know what? I've been sick. I've been sitting back, and I'm ready to turn it up. I'm I'm taking the ownership, I'm taking the energy, and I want to take as many women with me as possible. So let me know below that you're turning it up, that you're the fucking shit. Like, I want you literally commenting below, I'm the fucking shit. It starts right now, no more five minutes from now, no more an hour from now, no more tomorrow today. The best gift you can give yourself is to own that you're the fucking shit and keep owning it and keep getting better. You don't have to know it all to do it all. You don't have to do it all. To be it all, you don't have to, literally, you don't have to have all of these things figured out. All you need to figure out, all you need to remind yourself, is that you are the fucking shit. Share this with somebody that you know needs to hear it. You.