Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

417. Mind Your Own Biz


On this episode, Nellie chats about the importance of mindset work and personal development for achieving success in business. She share her experience and invites others to join in a 30-day challenge to work on their minds and businesses, with the goal of creating financial independence and generational wealth. 

We will touch on:

  • Mindset and business growth with a focus on kindness and positivity.
  • Mindset, self-improvement, and community building.
  • The importance of surrounding yourself with uplifting and supportive people who are self-starters and ask for help when needed.
  • Taking responsibility for one's life and business, with a focus on mindset and community.

Then this is not the fucking video for you, so go ahead and just end now before I piss you off, so we all could go about our day and have a great fucking day. But if you are down for some F bombs and you want to hang out while I drive, I'm not going to look at you so I don't get in trouble. Because, yeah, there's always, there's always one person that that likes to say something, but I talk to myself in my car all the time, so I just happened to be recording, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that, because I talked to myself in my car all the time, all the time. So mind your fucking business. This was an intuitive download that came to me when I was marathon training two nights ago, and I am just really, really excited about it. I used to do a lot of, like, personal development coaching back in the day day, and really honestly, like, I'm full on business, but there's so much life that I still do with people, because when you're the CEO of your business, like, my top priority is to take care of you. And some people are literally, like, just starting out, and then some people are multi millions. And I help everyone, like, so even if you don't even have a business yet, doesn't mean that you couldn't and really every person, I believe, should have multiple forms of revenue, like you should have multiple streams of revenue, whether that's real estate, stocks, you know, digital assets, like all of it, but like The more you can diversify your revenue over the long term. Can really, really help you create peace, financial independence, generational wealth, etc, etc. It takes time, and we can't do it all at the same time. But anyways, let's get back to the point of this video, which is to mind your fucking business. So this was an intuitive download that I had a couple nights ago. And really like, I'm doing this for me, but what I know about myself is when I invite other people to do things with me, everyone wins more. So instead of being silent about it, I'm going to do it with anyone that wants to do it. I'm gonna do it regardless. But anyone that wants to do it totally free. I don't want to make it like this big stressful thing, because that's that's not the point of it. The point of it is to for 30 days to work on your mind and your business. So mind your fucking business is the the focus of mind and business, because when we can leverage your mind, you can really make anything happen. And anyone that says I don't need personal development, I don't need mindset work, I don't need motivated I feel like is a fucking lie. I like anyone that I know near and far that is more successful than me. The common thread that they all talk about is mindset work, and so if someone is pushing it away and saying that they don't need it, I just don't think that that's true. Like I just don't think that is true. I don't think we can have enough of it now you have to also implement like. You don't just sit back and like, wait to see what happens. Like, you gotta like, you gotta get your mind right. Then you gotta get into your business right, like, and really move forward. And so I'm just excited for this, like, organic challenge of for 30 days. How can I leverage my mind, get my mind to the next level? How can I get my business to the next level? So it's about taking big, bold moves and not giving a fuck if someone is not okay with it. Like I feel like this internet era really is the most beautiful and amazing thing. And also, I feel like on some level, some people out there have forgotten how to like be a kind human. And so people are leaving nasty comments, hurtful comment comments, rude comments like and so that stops so many women, because they don't want to expose themselves to the hate and love always wins, in my opinion, like I am on a mission to go above and beyond, to put more kindness in this world. I want to get my kids involved and put more kindness in the world. Because. Is when we lean out and we let the negativity win, then it's just going to continue to win. So the better thing to do is to block right like I have a zero tolerance policy for rude bullies, keyboard warriors, like I just don't put up with it. I don't feed the energy. I don't care who you are, like if you are rude or mean to me, to my family, to anyone that I care about and I love. It's an immediate no for me, because, like, I wouldn't want to visit across from somebody that would say those hurtful things in to my face. So why would I allow that on my social media? It's a totally different thing. If you have a different opinion, I'm all for discussions, but it's you could be kind in your opposing opinion. So it's not that I need everyone to like, agree with me and be a yes person, but no assholes allowed, like no fucking assholes allowed. I'm not putting up with it. I'm just not it's it's not why I started my business, it's not why I'm continuing to do my business, and so I'm just not available for it, like I only want to curate the kindest, most uplifting community ever. And so I'm stepping up my game by voicing that, by stepping into it, by by reinforcing that, and just giving as much kindness as I possibly can, because the world needs more of it, and I know that I can do more, and I want to do more, and I'm super excited to do more, and so the mind your fucking business every single day for 30 days, starting on Monday, what I will be doing is sharing. Okay, what am I doing today to mind my fucking business and put my blinders on, focus on leveraging my mind, taking big, bold moves in my business, because I owe it to myself, and, most importantly, my family, to step more and more and deeper and deeper into my power. I know I'm holding back, and a lot of it has been the potential opinions of other people, and I have got to let that go. I've got to fucking let it go. I am I am over and not available for if someone says, you're moving too fast, I'm over it. I'm fucking over it. If someone says, oh my gosh, you have so many things going on, I don't know what to do. I'm sorry. I'm just doing my thing. You don't have to keep up with me. Like, do what you want, like you're an adult, do what you want, like I'm I'm just not available for people that are just complaining and complaining and complaining and not willing to take action. I just, I don't have the energy. I'm sorry, like, I love you, but I don't have the energy. It is so different to vent and say, like, this is how I'm feeling, and I want to, I want to do something about it. But if we're in the same story over and over and over, a lot of people do this with money. They keep saying that they're broke, that they're saying that they don't have money, they start to do something about it, and then they, like, shoot, they revert to old ways. And I know I get it like the the that magnet is so strong that you've got to be stronger. Like you can mindset your work out of like you can mindset your way out of anything. But it takes like, if you're if you feel like you're in quicksand, like no one can pull you out, but you like, truly, like people can help you, but your mind is either your biggest, your biggest MVP, or your biggest enemy. And we're all human. We have those dark moments, those challenging moments, but the more you leverage your mind, you can literally do anything. You can do anything. And who we are around makes a world of a difference. And that's why I am like, I'm stepping up my game. Like, if people have something mean to say, I'm not available for it, because it like we are the sum of our environment. And so if I keep allowing myself to be around people that are, you know, not in integrity, that they just whine and complain and they're not willing to do about anything about it, if they are, you know, being rude and saying passive aggressive comments, like, I'm just not down for it, like I've never been down for it. But in a lot of ways, I just allowed myself, this is my responsibility, allowed myself to be a doormat and just go, okay, like, you know, I'm sorry that you feel that way. Or, you know, let's, you know, just smile and nod and I'm just, I. Just done, like I'm just done. I deserve to have a community that is uplifting, not just for myself, but everyone in my community. They're kind, they're uplifting, they're moving forward together. They are they are self starters. They're asking for help. They want help. They are willing to do what it takes. They're having so much fucking fun. That's what I'm down for. That's what I'm available for. It does not mean that anyone is perfect. It does not mean that there are not hard moments that you can't ask for help in the hard moments. That is not it like I need to make that abundantly clear, but it is a whole different vibe, when you have a different approach, when you say, Hey, I'm having a hard moment and I don't know what to do about it. Like I've tried this, this and this, or I I really want to feel this way, and I'm not sure how to feel that way, right? Like it's so different when that's not whining, that's not complaining, that's asking for help that is wanting to to do the change right. Like, to be the change. Do the change and like, move forward. How you create your wealthiest life is by believing that you can do it and then going and doing it like, and easier said than done. But like, there, like, I love the saying, like, there are people that have what you want and have way less time than you do. They have way less belief than you do. And so what's the biggest difference? They just kept failing forward. They kept learning. They they took messy action. They didn't allow anyone in their life to to get in their head and stop them like, I know that I get to step up my game. Like I just, I know that I get to step up my game. I felt this a couple days ago. It's not surprising to me that I had that intuitive download of like, mind your fucking business, because it I get it. It is so easy to allow other people to get into your mind. It's so easy to to allow that to happen. Everyone's going to have a fucking opinion about what you do, everyone is and you can literally control alt delete, or you can save the opinions. And sometimes it is helpful like that. There's such a balance there. Because, yes, we do want to have feedback. We do want to have opinions, but not at the expense of your voice, your dreams, your desires, like no one knows, your dreams, your your goals, your desires, your capability, better than you do. And so if you just need that, like, reset button, press the fucking reset button. Just like, press it and and, and start fresh. Like, start fresh as much as you can. And like, if you want to do the mind your fucking business, 30 day, one thing a day with me. You totally can. There's no wrong way to do it. I'm not stressed about it like you gotta be a self starter. I'm not gonna chase you like this is I'm doing this for me, but and I'll be talking about it in my content. But I really do love to invite other people on the journey with me, because I don't ever want to go alone and I just I want to, I want to find the women out there more and more and more that are their vibe is so high. They want their vibe to be even higher. They know what they are capable of their self starters, they're kind individuals. They are excited to build wealth. They they are willing to do what it takes, despite the circumstances, despite the the trauma that they've been through, despite the failures that they've had, they just know in their heart that they're meant for more, and they're willing to start again. They're willing to take the next step, they're willing to learn and to grow and to move forward, and they don't want to do it alone. Like I am really noticing that education is what I love, but community is what I like crave, like, I crave the community, the camaraderie. It's like, it's like running alone versus like running a race where a bunch of people are running together. If you ask any runner, it is so much more enjoyable to run a race with a bunch of humans around you, whether they're on the sidelines or in the race, but like, the energy you can feel, it's just such a different experience. And like, that's what I'm craving as we continue to to grow the wealthy mama movement, like I know I have all the race. Resources I need. I have the team that I need, I have the knowledge that I need, I have the system that I need. And I'm just at a point in my journey that I'm like, Let's fucking go. Like, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. And I know that it's me. Like, I'm taking all the radical responsibilities. I know that it's me. I know that it's me, and so this mind your fucking business is really for me and for the greater good. Because I know that there's some cobwebs up there that I'm just like, I'm ready to clean them up, I'm ready to get them out. I'm ready to expand my comfort zone more than I ever have before, and I'm ready to make some big moves. Like, I'm ready, I'm ready. Like, it feels amazing and exciting. I wouldn't have the intuitive download, and it just keeps getting more clear since I've had it, and I'm just like, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. This is the best Mother's Day gift that I can give to my family is to fully, fully fucking step into my power. And I love a good challenge, and this just feels fun and light. So every single day I'm going to ask myself, intuitively, how can I mind my fucking business today and see what shows up for me? So it might be something mindset driven, it might be something more tactical and business driven. It might be a combination of both. It may be lots of things in one day, um, but I'm going to trust the process for 30 days. I'm going to share the process for the 30 days. But if you want to do it with me, you can, you can, you can, you can. So I love you so much. I hope you have a great day. I'm gonna go clean my house, because it is, it's all it's all messy, it's all messy. So I'm gonna go clean my cow house, not my cows, my house. I'm.