Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast

BONUS: Networking Can Cure So Many Business Challenges


On this episode, Nellie will be chatting about how networking can cure so many business challenges!

Networking is crucial for busy women and moms, offering benefits like increased visibility, credibility, and potential sales. Both short-term and long-term success can be achieved through networking, and joining a Facebook group is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals. Participating in weekly opportunities can help members grow their businesses and achieve their goals.

We will chat about:

  • Networking for entrepreneurs and busy women, focusing on social media and building relationships.
  • Networking tips for entrepreneurs
  • How networking can help with business challenges
  • The importance of networking, both online and offline, for entrepreneurs and busy individuals.
  • The value in building relationships with people in a community, as each person has their own network that may be interested in your products or services.
  • Networking can lead to quick wins and long-term success through human connection and support.

Take Action:

  • Find a few Facebook groups to get involved with and start getting to know people organically.
  • Focus on giving support to your connections by promoting them, tagging them in stories, sending emails.
  • Join the free Facebook networking group mentioned and participate in the weekly networking opportunities.

Thank you to Rebecca Hallbach Paciorek with Authors' Allies for sponsoring today’s episode!!!!
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I feel like, when you become a mom, you should just not have to sleep like that. Should be like the reward, I say reward, but like you just don't need to sleep anymore. Can you imagine? Can you imagine how nice that would be? It has taken me, like, three hours to get children to bed. And we do all the tricks we do, we do it all, but my kids, like, literally, like in their velcro era right now, and they just, they want to play with each other, they want to be around me. They just don't want to sleep. They just don't want to sleep so, but then they wake up at the same time, even if they get to bed later. So and I know I'm not the only one. I know I'm not alone here. So anywho I am excited to talk to you about networking. Networking can cure almost any business challenge that you're having right now. So let's get into it. If you are feeling lonely in your business, which is very common with entrepreneurs, networking can help if you are overthinking in your business, like with your marketing, your offers, just your next steps, networking can help. If you are obviously wanting more sales, networking can help. And so if you're looking for team members, networking can help. I really, really do believe, as cheesy as it sounds, your net work is your net worth. So speaking of which somebody in my network is sponsoring today's episode, I just wanted to give a shout out to Rebecca with authors allies. You can grab her free guide on how to market as an author. She has an amazing membership for authors and really helping all of those authors be seen and heard and obviously, like, make more money, which is great. Hello. See, I told you, Velcro. I'm even hiding in the laundry room here. I just need a couple more minutes, okay, but networking, so the coolest part about social media is that you don't even need to leave. You don't even need to leave your home. You you even need to put on a bra or, I mean, if you didn't even want pants on, you wouldn't even have to put pants on. So, you know, back in my day, you had to, like, put on professional clothes drive to a networking event. A lot of networking events were paid. You had to then walk around, pass out business cards. It was so different, like obviously, that still exists, but for moms and busy women and busy entrepreneurs like that, that that's challenging. And equally, if you're not geographically bound, you. Networking on social media is such a good use of your time, and even if you are geographically bound, I would still network online just as much as you're doing in person, because it can still be insanely beneficial. The more I plug into community, the happier I am, and I do believe that's step number one. Like, yes, it's easy to want to, like, skip to sales, but when we can get your energetic state so much higher, the sales will start to come. And so we do want to focus on you feeling better. And as humans, we crave human interaction, even if it's in the DMS, even if it's in a Facebook group, a zoom session. Like, I have a zoom session with our students tomorrow, and I'm so excited. I want to see some actual faces and like, have some dialog. Like, I'm genuinely looking forward to it. So I really just want you to think about how much time are you spending networking, and how can you make more time doing it? This is a top priority of mine, not just for the next six months, but like I've already been making it a priority, and it it feels significantly like I feel significantly different. I have just been plugging in to so much more networking, and Facebook groups are a great opportunity to do that, because then those people are actually like, wanting to be in those groups and liking and commenting and interacting, adding each other as friends again. We're not going right to the sale. We're we're really wanting to get to know people. Because, you know, one of my first mentors, Danny Johnson, talked about this, and it has always like stuck with me, the person that you build a relationship. Is not just one person. Each person that you build a relationship with has a network of their own. So even if that person that you build a relationship with never buys from you, they may have somebody in their network that does buy from you or multiple people. So we can't just be about the sale. It's so much beyond that. And so networking, you could argue, is a little bit of a like a longer game. But I would also argue it doesn't have to be, because when you are plugging into human interaction, almost immediately, it's going to increase your energy, that that's only going to help you create, you know, those quick wins, that those quick sales, just as much as, like the long term game is happening. So we want to look for the short, short term wins, just as much as we're building the long term wins. They both matter, and they're both very, very impactful. So find a Facebook group, find a few humans that you can really start to get to know, and it can be very organic. It doesn't have to be anything forced, but pay attention to the vibes. Like, who are you energetically attracted to? And that's who I want you to lean into and start to get to know see how you can support each other. And you would be pleasantly surprised even doing like this with five people and really getting to know them, you know, brainstorming, connecting, holding each other accountable, promoting them right? Like you could send an email to your email list, you could tag them in your stories. Like there's so much beautiful crossover that you can do with so many people, and it is so insanely beneficial. There's plenty of success for everyone. And I really do believe the more we give, the more we truly receive. And it's not just money. Like you receive so much love, you you receive so much joy, you receive so much happiness, that that's only going to create more of those types of feelings and emotions, and those things are like magnets for money. Like, truly magnets for money. So go Network. Have some fun. Let me know how I can help you. We actually have a free Facebook networking group. So if you're not in there, make sure you get your cute butt in there. And we have five free networking opportunities every single week, and we would love to have you all right, have fun networking.