Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast
It's time to Wake Up & Be Wealthy!!
Join Nellie as she empowers mama entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams and create wealth effortlessly. Through engaging and fun episodes, Nellie shares strategies to make money online, build successful businesses, and enjoy a balanced life. Tune in for motivation, tips, and actionable insights to help you stack cash, stay inspired, and reach your financial goals from anywhere.
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Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast
467. Opening Up About My Savings Journey
On this episode, Nellie shares about her savings journey, emphasizing the importance of managing money despite not coming from a wealthy background. She discusses strategies like using a 100 envelope binder, opening high-yield savings accounts at Capital One, and automating transfers. She highlights the challenges of managing money with ADHD and the importance of normalizing savings. She advocates for a balanced approach to money, including saving, spending, and investing, and stresses the significance of having a plan and specific goals. Nellie encourages others to take steps towards financial security and offer a free savings masterclass to help.
We will touch on:
- Savings Masterclass Introduction and Personal Background
- Early Money Management Experiences
- Realization and Passion for Saving
- Challenges and Normalizing Saving
- Teaching Kids About Saving
- Budgeting and Abundance Mindset
- Progress and Future Goals
- Encouragement and Final Thoughts
I share a ton in my savings master class about tips and tricks and like I open up a ton in the savings masterclass too. It's two hours. If you want that masterclass for free, just comment savings, and I will send it to you. Also, if you feel more comfortable DMing me, just send me a DM saying savings, and I will send it to you. I wanted to take an opportunity, because the savings master class was recorded at least a few months ago, like maybe three, four months ago. So I wanted to open up more about my savings journey and the hopes that it helps one person that's always my my goal, one person at a time, and having ADHD things are different for you, and you can feel stupid at times. I know I have. You can feel broken at times. I know I have. You can feel frustrated, confused, like, Is anything going to work for me, and not just with money, but task management, cleaning a home, managing a home, running a business, marketing, making and keeping friends, like I could go on and on. So for this specific video, I wanted to to share more and open up more about my savings journey. So I didn't come from like a super wealthy family. I never saw my parents like talk. I never saw my parents like saving actual money. We didn't talk about money. And so it felt very foreign to me. I have worked and made my own money honestly since I was 13 years old, babysitting and then, like getting, you know, a job in high school, cleaning tanning beds, answering phones at a doctor's office, and even, you know, working through college and so I've made my own money for a really long time, but making money and managing money are two different things. So typically, everyone has something that they're better at, like, there's natural spenders, there's natural savers, there's natural people that, like, love to make money, like, they're really good at making money. And equally, I believe, no matter what you're strong at or not strong at, you can get stronger at all of them. And so that's the exciting part. Is like, yeah, like, sure, is there things that naturally come easy to everyone, for sure, but most things take practice and persistence and focus and determination, and when you can channel those things, you can really channel anything that you want. And so we've always done a really good job of saving as a family, but it's always been more like my husband being the leader, which is great and amazing. And also, since I'm still a part of the partnership, the better I get, the better we get. And so even though I didn't come from money or see my parents like saving money, like it was always just a really weird topic. And I think I really started to connect the dots as a young woman, like, if I'm gonna, if I want stuff, I'm gonna have to make my own money. And so, you know, I feel really passionate about all the topics that we talk about at Wealthy mama movement, because I feel like they can change so many lives they already are. And so what I have realized is, you know, if I don't love how something feels, I can change it. I have the power to change it. And so saving money has been that for me, of like, How can I gamify this? So I actually feel really strong and excited about it, and so I bought 100 envelope binder. It literally tells you what to put in it, and I have been literally putting cash in it. I then added another layer, because can't stop, won't stop. So I, not only do I have the savings binder, not only do we do our own savings as a family and my business, and also I opened up Capital One, at least here the United States, has free checking and savings accounts, and you don't even have to go into a bank, which is really nice for somebody that is a busy mom and ADHD, like, Okay, I don't even like it takes literally seconds. So I opened up a handful of high yield savings accounts at Capital One on the computer literally takes less than two minutes of. And you can rename them. You can also automate how much money you want going into them. And so they literally are climbing every single week, and they have different labels, like, for my 4/40 birthday, I want to do an international cruise as like a family. So I have one for that. I'm working on a mommy makeover. I have one for that. What else do I have off the top of my head, my tattoo sleeve? I have one for that. So those are, like, my fun savings accounts. We're saving for a home like I feel so unstoppable because I've automated a lot of it. I've made it fun with the savings binder. And this can literally start $1 at a time, $10 at a time. And like getting in the habit of it and making it fun, it has been really, really important for me, because if not, then it's just like I'm already out. And so when it comes to, like, saving, you know, like I shared earlier, like I just didn't see my parents do that, we didn't talk about it. Like, when I started making my own money, I just spent it all. And so since I didn't come from money, and I didn't. I wasn't taught to save it like it didn't feel safe to save it, right? It didn't feel normal to save it. And so as I have been going through my online career, one of the biggest challenges that I noticed when my business took off was I did not feel safe keeping it like we like we had so many powerful launches that were making a significant amount of money. But since I didn't have a plan, since I It wasn't normalized for me, I I didn't normalize it for me. The minute I got it, I was like, Oh, what do I do? What do I do? What do I do? Right like and I felt so uncomfortable. It felt so foreign to me that it was just like a freak out moment, and I can really see that now. And so normalizing and making saving money funds has changed the game for me, like I get so giddy touching my 100th envelope binder going into Capital One, talking about our house savings fund. Like, never in a million years, did I think that that would be my vibe around saving money. Like, that's how I feel about spending I am, like a professional spender. You tell me to go spend some money, and I will, like, I will see it through in excellence, right? And there's nothing wrong with that. It's balancing all of it right. Like abundance, to me, especially around money, is you're really abundant with all of it, saving money, investing money, spending it, giving it like it's so balanced for you. You feel so good around all of it, you feel safe, you feel normal. And I think that that's really, really key. Like, at least it's been key for me and finding something that actually works for you. So cash, cash, cash, cash, huge, monumental, has changed my life forever. Like, it's for my ADHD brain. It needs it to be easy and fun and routine and a way that I know I'm going to be successful, right? Like, I know without a shadow of doubt that I will be successful with automatic transfers, because it's already set up, right? So, like, the guarantee, I think, is really, really helpful. And having deadlines super, super helpful, that now it just feels like a matter of time for all of my goals, right? Like, and that feels like that's a vibe within itself, of like, it's just a matter of time, right? Like, when you can see the path and you're taking the steps towards it. It's like, it's a signed seal done deal, like the 10,000 steps a day. Like, the only way that I can get there is taking it literally, one step at a time. And like, that's what this has been about for me. And just like falling in love with the process, enjoying it, celebrating literally every dollar and being grateful for every dollar has just been huge. Like, it's just been so huge. And I want to teach this to my kids, like, I want them to have their savings binder capital one even has teen accounts, which I love right like the minute, like, if I could go back in time and I could be with myself when I started making money, like, at least starting in high school, when I had, like, consistent jobs, like before that I did, like babysitting. So it was, like, very inconsistent. But if I could go back and just be with my past self in high school the minute I. My first paycheck, there should have been a plan like, I wish I would have sat down and said, Okay, this is your future self. Let's start these habits now, because when their habits and then they become normal, it just becomes your norm, right? Like, it's normal to brush your teeth, it's normal to shower or take a bath. It's normal to drive to your destination when we like, just like, neutralize things and make it so normal, you feel so safe. And I really believe that women want security, and having a savings of really, anything is better than nothing. And you feel so secure, I think it also explodes your confidence when you are leading this. So like, how I shared before, like, we've always been really strong at saving money as a family, but it's my husband leading it right. Like, he's, he's, he's alpha in that situation. So when I can do my own thing, like, I'm going to get just as good. It's only going to help the team, right? It's like a football team, when everyone's pulling their weight, it makes the team stronger, it makes the team better, and then the team can win, but they can at least increase the odds for success of winning. So going back to my old self, I would have, like, sat her down and said, Okay, you just got paid. Let's, let's either deposit the money and we'll have multiple checking accounts, or let's do envelopes right, like, depending on what would have been easiest at the time, but then, then it would have been like, a very clear, like, a lot of ADHD ers love, like, specificity, like we don't stra like, we don't, we don't thrive in the gray area. Like, if you're like, just save money. It's like, but what does that even mean, right? So if my, if my current future self went back in time and said, Okay, I want you to, you know, do the 5020, 30, the budget? Okay? So 50% is going to go to the the needs, right? 30% is going to go to your wants, and then 20% is going to go to savings, right? That allows you to have this really abundant relationship with money, because you're, you're, you're checking all the boxes you can have a lack mindset around money, because you're hoarding the money. Like, if you never go out and enjoy your money, it actually is a lack mindset like, yes, on paper, you have a lot of money, you've saved it, right? But if your relationship with money is very yucky, negative, toxic, like, No, we can't spend any money. You actually have lack energy, lack mindset, um, versus somebody that is like, following the the 5030, 20 budgeting, okay, so that, that holistic energy is what I believe is really, really important. So then, you know, my my past self is doing that every single paycheck. She can then still go out and go to target, go to TJ, Maxx, but there's some, like, bumpers, right? Like, if you're bowling, and there's like, some bumpers, there's some bumpers. And then guess what? All those times that like, something happened and I had an oh shit moment, I would have had the cash right to carry me through, not a credit card. So no matter where you're at on your journey, right here and right now, if you don't love your savings account or your savings is non existent, you owe it to yourself to figure out what works for you, to find the way to make the way to to really get better at this. Because the minute, the minute I started the 100 savings envelope, I felt different. And every time I put more and more cash into that, I felt different. Every time, like today, we went and did a few errands, and I just used cash just to pay for it, because that's our family fun account, it felt so good. So even if it takes you a minute to get to, like your bigger, wealthier goals and your wealthiest self. It doesn't mean that you can't feel different in the in the process, on the on your way there. That's actually key, right? So do we have our entire savings for the house that we want? No, but are we on our way there? Yes. Do I see the light at the end of the tunnel, it's getting brighter, right? Like, and that is what's key. So I'm not questioning if it's gonna happen. I'm just like, how fast can I make this happen? And everything changes when that changes, when your vibe changes, when you find a system to act. Actually works for you, and then you work the system. And equally, like I shared with the the Capital One, it's automatic, like, if I didn't log in for a whole year, it would just be growing and growing and growing. And since I made them high yield savings account, accounts like you can have as many I don't. I haven't reached the limit yet, but they're all besides one. One is a checking with Capital One, but all of them are savings accounts, and so they're just growing every single every single day, right? Like, there they are, right? It's not the stock market. You don't have to figure anything out, right? So get you a high yield savings account. Get you 100 envelope finder. DM me for my savings masterclass. Actually watch the savings masterclass. I love you. I've been there, so I'm not I'm not calling you out, but watch it. It's two hours. Put your ear your Airpods in, go for a walk, clean your house, but there's some really good nuggets in there, and I'm gonna get you for free. So, like, that's the thing that we really get to to, to acknowledge that, like, no matter what you desire, the resources are there, the people are there, the love and support is out there, but you got to step up your game. Yep, I said it. I am stepping up my game more than I ever have before, and pretty quickly, I'm already seeing so many results, more than I even like imagined, and it can't be contingent on anything. Like, I just wanted to step up my game. I wanted to do better for myself, for my family. It wasn't like, Well, I'm gonna do this for 30 days. But if this doesn't happen, then like, I'm out you can't like you can't do that, then you're always chasing outside validation versus just becoming a better human, becoming an energetic match for everything that you desire. And when you are an energetic match, which you have full control over, everything will flood, flood, flood, flood, flood, flood into your life, but you gotta have the energy to be ready. You gotta have the space for all of those blessings to flood in, right? You gotta normalize it. Okay? So, like he passed Nelly, when she had a handful of big launches, she was not prepared. She did not normalize it. Now she's prepared. Now she's ready for the flood. She's so ready. She's got the team, she's got the knowledge, she's got the confidence, she's got the systems, she's got the offers, she's got all the kinks worked out. She's got the plan in place. She's ready. And most importantly, energy, energy for it. So every single day you have the power to do everything that you want to do, everything that you want to create, big and small, you hold the power don't keep giving your don't keep giving it to the outside world. Of like, well, when this person does this, or when that happens, no, like, those are things that are icing on the cake. But, like, put on your tennis shoes, go for a walk, drink some water, Google or YouTube, something that you're needing, right? Like, there's so many free resources, affordable resources, yeah, sure, when you want to splurge on something, go for it, but don't let time stop you. Don't let money stop you. Don't let anyone stop you. And when you really step into that, you're unstoppable. Like, it's just a matter of time. Like, no matter what you desire, it's just a matter of time. And how you can speed up that time, right? We live in such a fast paced, you know, fast food, Amazon Prime, microwave galore, world. So sure, you probably want it to happen really fast. So the fastest way to do it is to take step after step after step. You don't need to know all the steps to get started. You do not need to be perfect to get started. Hello, messy bun, no makeup. Kids in the background, right? And I'm just gonna keep moving forward. I'm gonna keep loving on you, believing in you, making my dreams happen, making other people like helping other people make their dreams happen, but like there's room for you if you want it when you want it, so I love you. Thank you for listening. DM me savings masterclass, and I'll send it for you. Send it to you for free. You.