Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast
It's time to Wake Up & Be Wealthy!!
Join Nellie as she empowers mama entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams and create wealth effortlessly. Through engaging and fun episodes, Nellie shares strategies to make money online, build successful businesses, and enjoy a balanced life. Tune in for motivation, tips, and actionable insights to help you stack cash, stay inspired, and reach your financial goals from anywhere.
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Wake Up & Be Wealthy Podcast
469. "It’s Never Too Late"
On this episode, Nellie gives some Wealthy Mama inspiration and emphasizes that it's never too late to pursue dreams, whether in personal life or business. She shares a personal story of reconnecting with her now-husband, highlighting the importance of persistence and not giving up. This theme extends to her business ventures, including relaunching a boutique with a lighter, more manageable approach. She stresses the significance of positive energy and vibes, suggesting that pursuing what feels right can lead to fulfilling outcomes. Nellie encourages listeners to overcome limiting beliefs and embrace opportunities that resonate with them, advocating for a positive, abundant mindset.
We will touch on:
- Never Too Late: Introduction and Personal Story
- The Power of Pursuit and Personal Growth
- Business Ventures and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
- The Importance of Positive Energy and Vibes
- Encouragement to Pursue Dreams and Reconnect with Others
Let's Take Some Action:
- Reflect on what you've been telling yourself is "too late" and consider pursuing it.
- Continue to lean into the positive vibes, as they feel so good!
This episode is sponsored by Kristen Rourke with Busy Mom Bod. Check her out on social media and her amazing programs!!
Busy Mom Bod: https://stan.store/busymombod
There's one person that needs to hear this message, this message intuitively came to me today, loud and clear, and it is this. It is never too late. This applies to so many things in our life. It's never too late to fall in love. It's never too late to pay off debt. It's never too late to go after your dreams. It's never too late to have children. It is never too late to try something again. It is never too late for a friendship. It is never too late to to get back into things that you love to do, even from a hobby aspect, we place limits on ourselves too often. And there's just one person that needs to hear this today, and I have so much evidence of this in my own life, of it's never too late. If you say it's never too late, shout out to Kristen Roark for sponsoring today's very important message. She is with busy mom BOD and is on a mission to make sure that it's never too late for you to fall in love with your body, with your energy, and really be the best mom that you can be, and chase around your babies and live a happy, healthy life. So check out Kristen Brooke. She has some really exciting things in the works, and so I want to share some of the evidence with you of where this has shown up in my life that has completely changed my life. So my husband and I specifically met when we were very, very young. We did not immediately date, but we did know each other. We then got disconnected for years and years and years, and then I randomly ran into him my senior year of high school, and there was just something about him that I wanted to find out, like I pursued him after we ran into each other. This is going to show my age. Facebook was just becoming a thing, but I couldn't we didn't go to the same school, and so I was trying to find how to get in contact with him. And so I went on MySpace and went to some of our like mutual connections. Found his last name because now it's my last name, but I couldn't remember his last name, because it literally, it was years and years and years, and when we ran into each other, it was very quick. It was in a, like, a crowded place. You know, there just wasn't the opportunity to, like, ask then. But I couldn't stop thinking about him, and so I found him on MySpace, but my space was like, essentially, like, going extinct, but I was the least able to find his last name, then find him on Facebook and connect with him there, and then we started talking on Facebook, and then he asked for my number, and we started dating, and I just knew this was my soulmate. Like, it's like, when you know, you know, and I wish I could tell you, like, we had this just like perfect story, and like, the rest is history. But, like, We dated for a while. I knew he was my soulmate, but we then got disconnected again. We just, we went to different colleges. We realized how young we were, and that, like, you know, it, it just made the most sense to to break up, and that I remember that heartbreak. Oh, it was painful, but there was just still something in my heart knowing that, like if we were meant to be, then we would reconnect. And I believe that this is true, like anything that is meant for you does not skip over you if you let it. And so, senior year of college, he, out of the blue, sent me a text message. That text message is the reason why I have my two children, because I really, I personally, wanted him to pursue me. But, you know, it like I was kind of waiting around, and he finally did pursue me, and it felt so good. And we have been ever we've been inseparable since that text message of senior year of college. And so, like I said, that is, that is the exact reason why I have my two children, it's made me like this relationship has made me who I am today. And I think that that is just so huge, because he I remember exactly where I was when he sent that text message, and he just said, like, hey to like, break the ice and get the ball rolling. But my heart literally melted. Like, I don't know, I'm, I'm old school at the end of the day, like I do, like, want a man to pursue me, and so I just My heart melted, and he continued to pursue me and court me, and it just felt so good. And we still waited a while to, like, get. Married, but like, we just knew. Like, and I don't regret that time that we had away, because it gave us time for us to become our own humans in college. And I'm just I to this day, I tell, I still tell him, like, like, what if you would have not sent that message? And he's like, Well, I guess we'll never know. I guess we'll never know, and it's just the It's the power of putting yourself out there. And I love this because it's more of a personal story. And like, I can't imagine my life without my two children, and obviously him, but like, my two children, like, are just everything to me. And so it's huge because I could have ignored him. I could have written him off. He could have said it like, my time has already passed. It's too late. He had no expectations of anything, but he was just like, I just want to try. Like I miss her and I want to try. And so I just think that this message is so important, whether it's in your personal life or in business, this has also shown up in my business. We're about to relaunch the boutique. I have done something boutique driven twice now, and it just has always felt heavy, like I love fashion, like I love, love, love fashion. I dressed up as a little girl. I played Barbies all day, every day. I love putting together clothes, even if they're like, you know, very comfortable clothes like fashion, except affordable, cute fashion just makes me so happy, and I just it's a way to express yourself. And so there's been two parts of my online career that I've done something boutique, driven, and it's been successful, but also so heavy that it got to the point where I just needed to, like, put it down in the season of life that I was in. And we're about to reignite this, this layer of the business, and we're doing it so differently that it feels from the beginning, it feels light and simple, and I don't have to manage a bunch of inventory, and I don't have to, you know, stress about, you know, getting the sizes right, and, like, shipping everything. I don't have to ship everything. Like the parts of the past two times that I have done this have been so heavy are not even existent in 3.0 if that makes sense. And so I had to work through some of those energetics. Of like, you've already done this two times. Like, why try again? Right? I had to work through those limiting beliefs. Of like, it's never too late if this is something on my heart and I can't stop thinking about it, I owe it to myself to pursue it again, right? Like, maybe the timing wasn't right, like, I learned a lot in both rounds, and so I'm coming in to this round so much more educated. I've learned so much, I feel so much lighter about it that, you know, my expectations a lot, like, probably my husband, like it just feels light and simple, and I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm not there's no pressure, like, it's just a fun way to help other women have affordable, cute, comfy clothes, and gives me a creative outlet that I'm really desiring, so I'm already winning, right? And so it's just it's never too late to reach out to somebody, whether, you know, it's been a while, like, I just saw a girlfriend, our play date. We've been friends for years, but we've been in, like, a thick season of motherhood, and so we haven't seen each other in a really, really long time, and we just, like, hugged each other today, and it felt so good, and there's like, no grudge. Like, yeah, it's been a while since we've seen each other, but I still love you, and I'm so glad that we were able to get together today. And so this is just a message that I want you to really, like, sit with of like, what have you been telling yourself, that it's just your time has passed. It's too late that if you change your perspective, if you change your point of view, maybe it's not and you could be blocking yourself from blessings that really want to come into your life. Like, if I would have written my husband off with my now husband, and said, Nope, he had his time right. Then, again, I wouldn't have my two blessings of my children. I don't like and I don't like that wasn't my destiny, like, and you know, again, like, sometimes the door is shut for certain things, and I understand that and respect that. And so like you energetically checking in with yourself. Of like, if there's something tugging on your heart and you want to pursue it, don't block yourself. That's really what I'm saying here. Like, when he texted me, My heart melted. That's all I needed. Like, if I would have rolled my eyes into like, ew, no, I don't see a future with him. You know, it was not. Healthy, whatever it may have been, then that would make sense not to message him back. But it's the vibes. Everything this year is for me about the vibes. If the vibes are so good I am, I'm running with it as small as a piece of content, as big as a boutique and everywhere in between, right? Like, that's how the the daily deals and giveaways were born. Is just the vibes felt really good, and I ran with it. I didn't have any ulterior motives. I didn't have any guarantees of, like, what it would turn into. And now the vibes are, I want to keep it going. I want to be known as the girl that every single day is pouring into you, giving you free things, serving and supporting you, and yeah, like offering you something that is a really amazing deal and an amazing opportunity that, if it feels good, fantastic, like, why would I stop that? The vibes feel so good. Why would I stop that? And so like, again, that wasn't even a thing 21 days ago. And so like, this is the power of pursuing positive energy, positive vibes, anything that's going to light your soul on fire, whether it be personal or professional, you are one person. And so when you are in your life, you're one person. When you're in your in your business, you're the same person. So when your vibes, your energy, your mindset, you as a person, feel so good, you create this abundant, beautiful overflow that everyone wins like everyone wins when you are winning when you feel good. And I really want to get this trending, because there's a whole different way to do business that does not feel good, and people think that that's the only way, and I was there. And so I'm just on a mission to show you that you can give and receive and inspire the world, and you can do it in small pockets of time, and it can feel amazing every single day, every single day. So I want you to think about what are you telling yourself that it's too late, and if it is tugging on your heart, you owe it to yourself to at least go pursue it. I can't wait for you. I love you so much, and I'll see you back for more inspiration. You.